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Marie sat quietly as Miranda observed her, she had the cadou in for two days and while subtle, the changes to her body were very evident. Her nails grew into claws, unlike Alcinas she couldn't make them grow or shrink.

Her teeth were sharp and looked like they would crush bones, although her body mass didn't change she'd shown that she was stronger, flipping an iron table once to prove it. She was once around 5'7 she now stood a terrifying 6'1 on flat feet. Her diet had changed to primarily meat, however, she would eat vegetables and fruit as well.

Her sense of smell increased and sometimes it was inhumane to Miranda, almost sending the woman into a heart attack when she snuck up behind her and said dinner smelled good. Next was something Miranda did not expect, although teeth and nails were able to hide the new assets the woman had were not.

Miranda looked at her head, after a few difficulties with Marie complaining about a horrible migraine, the cadou seemed to enhance the pain the maid was not able to feel, however, Miranda found that it only changed her physical form. After cleaning her wounds the woman did not feel it, what she had found was an incredible experience.

Two triangled, short fluffy ears, like wolf pups that were folded over, a newborn puppy couldn't use their ears until a few weeks after growing into them. After another night of agonizing pain and screams, Miranda found her human ears were no longer as strong as they used to be, however, a new complaint showed up for Marie, this time her back felt like it was on fire, and not in a good way.

Miranda checked over the rest of her body, straightening up she sighed "Alright let's take a look at your back." Marie nodded, glancing over to the dollmaker who stood as still as the shadow on the wall as she observed. Marie unbuttoned her black shirt and slipped it off her shoulders, laying on her stomach and tucking her arms under her head.

Miranda hummed and moved over to the woman after getting a pair of gloves on, she pressed and figured out where it hurt the woman. "Right there is where it hurt the most last night," Marie said, Miranda nodded. At the base of her spine where her Lumbar and hip bones would start, Miranda did a quick evaluation running her hands over the bones before stopping, furrowing her brows she felt a strange bump, at the base of her tailbone.

"May I?" Miranda whispered, wrapping her hands around Marie's waist to take a closer look, "What are you doing?" Donna asked and Marie sighed "Donna... It's okay, she's just looking. She's not going to hurt me." "I'm just going to look at the base of the tailbone, there's a bump and I want to make sure it's not an injury of some sort." Donna nodded and Marie smirked "You don't need my permission." She said, getting comfortable as Miranda pulled her jeans down to where only her tailbone was exposed.

Miranda hummed at the bump, "Strange... You have wolf ears, canine teeth, and claws... I wonder if you'll have features like a wolf but not transform into one. I believe it might be a tail, just one that's still growing... Much like your ears, I think they are growing like a puppy. A wolf takes up to 62-75  days before giving birth to puppies, I believe your ears and tail are going through the transformations like a pup in the womb, which means... I'm this time you may lose hearing for a bit but it won't last long. Once that amount of time is over your ears should perk up in 3-6 weeks."

Marie and Donna looked at Miranda in disbelief, "You're saying I will lose my hearing?" Miranda sighed "Unfortunately... Yes, I'm not entirely sure what will happen to them but you're currently forming wolf ears out of your head as replacements, and a tail. Your sense of smell is so much better and you have claws... Marie, I believe the cadou is tuning your body to fit your hormones. However... Other than the Lycans you seem to have complete control of your mind, you still love deeply and seem capable in memory. You're heart and lungs are twice as strong and you are much smarter."

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