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{the entire chapter contains tws such as eating disorders, weight, and verbal and little physical abuse. nothing is graphic- towards the end everything is fine}

With Sunoo...

"Mom, what the hell?! How could you just stand there while Riki's mom was literally screaming at him?!" Sunoo and his mom had been arguing since they left the rink.

"Sunoo, it was none of my business! Why can't you understand that?! Why didn't you get involved if you cared so much?!" His mom yelled back, tightening her grip on the steering wheel.

"Because I can't yell at a woman! It's disrespectful!?"

"Kim Sunoo- Can you just shut up until we get home?!" She didn't get a response from her son, only a glare.


When they got home, his dad was sitting on the couch waiting for Sunoo and his mother to arrive.

"Oh great! You two are home!" He cheerfully said, oblivious to what happened. He was met with silence as the two sat down as well.

"Well..? Did you guys take me out of practice to just stare at me?" Sunoo asked, giving more attitude than he intended. The room was filled with an awkward tension.

"Uh- No, no we didn't. Your mother and I thought it would be a good idea to have you go back to-"

"Oh hell no! I've already explained to you guys that I am not going back!"

"Sunoo, we're worried about you! You're not making any progress and we don't think you're going to gain weight any time soon!" His mother argued, annoying Sunoo even more.

"Why does my weight always have to be a topic of discussion?! I am making progress, you guys are just too caught up in whether or not I'm doing this whole thing for attention to even notice if I have gained weight!" {reference to chapter 5}

That shut his parents up quickly. They exchanged worried glances, almost as if they were surprised.

"You...You heard that?" His dad asked, voice barely a whisper. Sunoo was in disbelief, he couldn't believe what he was hearing.

With a scoff, he replied; "You guys weren't being quiet, you know that, right?"

"We're sorry, honey! It was in the heat of the moment!" His mother tried to defend themselves.

"Oh save it, Mom! We both know that's what you really think of me!"

"Why can't we just have one conversation without you arguing with us?! It's like you live to stress us out!" His dad yelled back.

"Maybe because every 'conversation' we have involves sending me back, my weight, or something incredibly backhanded!"

"Sunoo, please! Can we just finish what we were going to tell you?!" His mother pleaded, making Sunoo roll his eyes.

"Fine." They both let out a sigh of relief before they spoke again.

"We have plans of having you go back to the recovery hospital, your father and I spoke about for a long while. We think it's best for you. It's either that or you stop skating for a bit, clearly that's what causing all this," she gestured to him which only offended him even more.

"This is the last time I'm going to say this, and I hope I'm making it very clear; I'm not going back to the so-called recovery center, I'm not going to stop skating, and skating sure as hell isn't causing all this," he stood up to go to his room shortly after, ignoring his parents' yells.

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