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When Ni-ki arrived home, he planned to go straight to his room to get started on all the homework he had. However, those plans were immediately destroyed when he heard faint sobs coming from Solas room.

Panicked, he knocked on her door.

"Sola? I'm coming in!"

Ni-ki was met with his sister running up and hugging him.

"He yelled at me again!"

"What for?"

"Because I didn't make his curry the way he wanted," The more she thought about it, the more she cried. Ni-ki was furious with their dad

"Awe, I'm sorry, Sol. I'll go talk to him... do you
have any leftover? I'd love to try it!" He said, trying to make her feel better.

She nodded as he wiped the tears off her face.

"Alright, why don't you go heat it up while I go talk to him?"

{not bad}

"Dad, why the fuck did you yell at Sola? She did nothing wrong!?" Ni-ki yelled, barging through the bedroom door. His dad was lying on his bed, watching TV with a beer bottle in hand.

"Because she didn't make it right, she should know how!"

"She's literally nine years old! What do you want her to do?!"

"Make it correctly! It tasted like shit!" Ni-ki was furious at this point, no one disrespects his sister's cooking.

"Then make it yourself! You're not a fucking child!"

"Don't talk back to me! You need to respect me, I'm your father!"

"I don't have to do shit! Yell at her again and I swear to god I'll-"

"You'll what? What are you gonna do, Riki?" His mom asked in an eery tone. Ni-ki immediately froze in place. If there's one person he's scared of, it's his mom.

"N-nothing, mom... I'll go now," he bowed his head down and rushed out the room.

"Yeah! That's what I thought!" His dad yelled as he took another sip of his beer.


Ni-ki sat at the table right next to his sister as she put the bowl of curry down in front of him.

"I hope you like it..." Sola said, looking down at her hands. Ni-ki lifted her head up and spoke gently to her,

"Hey... don't let him get in your head, he's a jerk. I'm sure it tastes amazing," he gave her a soft smile before he brought the utensil to his lips.

It tasted awful.

"Well- There's always room to improve!"

Sorry for the short chapter!! :(

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