795 37 15

Ni-ki >:(

is your sister coming along again?

uhmm idk sorry 😭
i'll go ask rn!!

mom 👩‍🦯

Hey, Mom! I have another tutor session tomorrow and I was just wondering if I needed to bring Sola along again?

Of course you need to bring Sola, who do you think you are to not take care of her? You need to bring her every time you go out, I'm not taking care of that brat.

You're her mom though? I have my own things and to do...

I didn't ask, Riki
Don't be a brat too

Sunoo 😨

no one of my friends will take care of her!!

i know of a good babysitter if you're having trouble finding one

no its not that
thanks though
i'm on the way btw

ahh okay

heeseung hyung!!

HYUNGGGG CAN YOU WATCJ SOLA FOR A FEW HOURS??  i need to tutor sunoo again and my mom wants me to watch her
but i cant 😾

yeah ofc!! when are you dropping her off?

im actually outside 🙈

of course you are

"Be good, okay? I'll come pick you up later!" Ni-ki pressed a kiss to her head before he left her with Heeseung.

He quickly started to walk towards the address Sunoo had sent him. The weird this was that Ni-ki was excited to see the other. He didn't know why, all he knew was that he hated the feeling. I mean, Sunoos always been a jerk to him, so why is he excited?!

Moving on...

After a short (20 minute) walk, Ni-ki had finally arrived at Sunoo's house. He rang the doorbell and awkwardly stood there for about a minute before he saw someone walking up to the door.

"Take off your shoes and follow me." Ni-ki was taken aback by how straightforward Sunoo was, he didn't even give the poor boy time to greet him.

"Uh- Shouldn't I greet your mom first? I don't want to seem disrespectful..." Sunoo gave him a disgusted expression before he replied,


"Is everything okay?" by now, the two boys were walking up the stairs.

Not turning around Sunoo spoke again, "would you stop asking that?! I'm fine, everything's fine! My mom just doesn't want to be bothered, okay?"

Ni-ki was genuinely concerned, he knew Sunoo was weird but he didn't think he was that weird, "Okay... What do you wanna study first? I know you have a math exam coming up, so do you want to start with that?"

Sunoo sat on his bed, gesturing for Ni-ki to do the same, "whatever you think think is best," he said with a sigh.

Ni-ki got himself situated, he pulled out his laptop and looked up the last test Sunoo had taken.

"It looks like your issue is standard deviation. You have all of the right procedures up to that point. It's pretty easy though!" Ni-ki paused to write an equation down on a piece of paper before he continued.

"Do this, and I'll see where you're going wrong," Sunoo mumbled an 'okay' and again, the two were left in silence.

"Is if okay if we listen to music? I usually work better with it..." Sunoo asked, already getting his speaker out.

"Yeah, that's fine," an artist that Ni-ki wasn't familiar with started to play. Later, he learned that it was Laufey, apparently Sunoo was a huge fan of her.

While Sunoo was focused on solving the problem, Ni-ki took the chance to look around his room. It was very neat and tidy, almost like a room you'd see on pinterest. The room was mostly white, with pops of different shades of pinks and blues. Posters of popular figure skaters covered the bare walls.

Sunoo was about to give his paper to Ni-ki when his mom barged in with a tray of snacks and fruits.

"Can you knock next time?!" Sunoo exclaimed, glaring at his mom. She only laughed before she set the tray down on his bedside table.

"Oh, don't be silly! Anyway, I don't think I've met you before? I'm Sunoo's mom! And you are?"

"Oh- I'm Ni-ki, I'm his tutor," She smiled and went over to hug him tightly.

god damn Sunoo wasn't lying when he said that she was a hugger...

When she released him, she started talking about the snacks, "Boys, I brought you guys some snacks!" Her voice grew more serious when she faced Sunoo, "I want you to eat some to, okay? We talked about this,"

"When the fuck did we talk about this?!" Ni-ki didn't know if he was supposed to say something or not, so he just stayed silent and marked up Sunoo's paper.

"Yesterday, when we got home from the doctor! He said that you need to-"

"Mom, just get out! We don't need to talk about what happened when Ni-ki is right there!"

She turned to Ni-ki before she left, "Make sure he eats something?" Sunoo looked offended while Ni-ki only nodded at her.

"Don't ask."

"Wasn't planning on it."


"I'm not gonna make you eat anything if you don't want to, by the way"

"Thanks... Now help me understand whatever the fuck this is!"

{with Heeseung and Sola...}

"Sola! I look amazing!" He looked in the mirror and forced a smile. Sola had covered his face in his mom's makeup. Maybe she should let go of her dreams of being a makeup artist...

914 words... 😭🙏🏼

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