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The next morning, Aurora woke up with a slight headache and pain between her legs. She smiled slightly as she remembered last night. Her smile quickly faltered when Tom wasn't next to her. It wasn't like him to leave without saying anything.

Aurora got out of bed and decided to text Rachel.

'any idea where Tom is?'

She then decided to do her morning routine before ordering a vanilla latte from room service, trying to enjoy it despite her anxiety eating away at her. Maybe Tom had finally realized he was too good for her.

'he's out with Josh. don't worry, love. i'll be over in 2 minutes x'

Aurora frowned at the text. She quickly put on another maxi dress, a black one again. Right as she was done, she heard a knock at the door and opened it for Rachel.

"Babe! So, the boys are having a boys' day today so we get to hang out just the two of us!" Rachel said excitedly. Aurora could tell there was something else behind that excitement, but didn't want to put Rachel in an awkward position, so she decided to ignore it. If Tom didn't love her anymore, it wasn't Rachel's issue.

"What do you wanna do?" Aurora mumbled, still feeling incredibly anxious.

"How about another beach day?" Rachel smiled.

An hour later, the girls were at the beach, enjoying the warmth. Rachel had forced Aurora to put on her bikini, but she had her dress on top of it. They were sunbathing and gossiping, like old times.

"So... How are you feeling about everything with Tom?" Rachel suddenly asked. Aurora was deep in thought for a while before answering.

"I love him, Rach" she mumbled, her cheeks turning bright red.

"Aww, Aurora!" Rachel exclaimed as she tackled her in a hug. However, Rachel could sense her anxiety.

"I sense a but coming" Rachel said as she pulled away from Aurora.

"I dunno. He's been acting weird. Not paying attention to me" Aurora mumbled, fighting back tears.

"Maybe he's just stressed about like... Work stuff" Rachel suggested, biting her lip. But Aurora knew her. And she knew Rachel was lying and knew more than she let on.

Later that night, Rachel had ushered Aurora in her room and to get ready for a fancy restaurant. Aurora told Rachel she didn't feel like going, but Rachel insisted. She showered and curled her hair, doing her make up and putting on a long, burgundy dress. She wondered if it was classy enough. She sure hoped so.

"You look amazing!" Rachel exclaimed as Aurora walked into the hallway. Aurora frowned as she saw tears in Rachel's eyes. Rachel took Aurora's hand and led her outside. They walked around for a while before arriving to a spot at the pier, a small table for two set under a roofed area. Aurora frowned.

"Isn't this a bit too romantic for u..." she started but frowned as she realized Rachel was no longer by her side. She gasped as she felt familiar hands gently go to her shoulders from behind.

"Tommy?" she whimpered, turning around and attacking him in a hug. Tom smiled as he hugged Aurora. She pulled back and smiled at Tom's attire. He had a whole Armani suit on.

"Sorry I left before you woke up. But Josh and I worked on this surprise" Tom smiled, holding his hand out for Aurora. She smiled as she grabbed his hand and he led her to the table, pulling out her chair for her. Glasses of champagne had already been poured and they toasted before tasting it.

"This is so fancy" Aurora smiled, beaming at Tom.

Tom was all smiles too.

"I wanted to surprise you" he smiled. Aurora frowned as she saw his hands shaking.

"You okay?" she asked, looking at him with worry.

"Yeah, let's eat" Tom said, clearing his throat.

Servers that Tom had hired brought them 5 different courses of food. Aurora enjoyed every single one of them. Tom and her talked and joked throughout the dinner, but Tom still didn't quite seem fully like himself. By the time they'd finished, it was already dark out. Aurora looked up at the stars, amazed at their beauty.

"Aurora?" she heard Tom nervously say, making her drop her gaze back to Tom, his eyes looked even more beautiful in the candlelight.

"This is going to take all of the nerves I have so bear with me. I fell in love with you the moment I first saw you. That love kept growing every day, and it still is. You are beautiful, inside and out. You excite me, you challenge me. Your strength is absolutely admirable. I never thought I'd want to spend eternity with someone, especially after knowing them for such a small amount of time, but here I am" Tom spoke out carefully. Aurora was stunned at his words.

Tom slowly got up out of the chair, his hand going to the breast pocket of his suit. He slowly walked over to Aurora, taking deep breaths. He'd never been this nervous. Still, he needed her. For eternity. Slowly, he got down on one knee in front of Aurora, making her completely freeze. With shaky hands, he opened the small box in his hands.

"Aurora. Will you do me the honor of marrying me?"

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