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TW: Again, talking about Aurora's past. These are some things i've felt personally as well so please be kind. Also, I'm type 1 diabetic as well and wanted to implement that as well because it can be a struggle.

Aurora couldn't move. She felt like she was underwater, drowning. She couldn't breathe.

"Calm down" she tried to tell herself as another panic attack hit her full force. She hadn't gotten out of bed in 5 days. Exactly why she had also taken Lily to Rachel's. Her dog meant the world to her and she didn't want her to suffer when she was going through this. And Rachel and her had made a deal that she could take Lily over to her's when she started to feel this way.

The only time Aurora had even looked at her phone was checking her blood glucose levels. The Libre glucose sensor had made her life, especially during the depressive states, easier. She had been hospitalized before because she could not take care of herself in this state. But, she did not ask for help, ever. She wanted to deal with everything on her own.

"He's not really here" Aurora kept mumbling to herself, her body drenched in sweat when she could literally feel his hands on her again. And she couldn't move. She was there again, helpless.

Aurora did not hear Rachel and Tom come in. She was just laying under her covers, in the midst of her panic attack when they arrived.

"Maybe you should wait here" Rachel said quietly as she set the spare key down, heading towards the bedroom. Tom listened and sat down on the couch, wanting to give the girls their space.

"Aurora?" Rachel asked as she stepped into the bedroom. She could see Aurora under the covers, breathing heavily. She usually knew what to do, being one of Aurora's closest friends. She slowly sat down next to Aurora, pulling the covers off her.

Aurora turned to Rachel, eyes wide and wet with tears, her breathing still uneven. Rachel said nothing, she just laid down next to Aurora, softly taking her hand into her own, until Aurora felt like she was on dry land again, able to breathe again.

"I'm sorry" Aurora said softly, letting go of Rachel's hand.

"Never apologize. Not for this" Rachel said, her voice still soft. She frowned as she moved a few hairs from Aurora's face.

"You're safe" Rachel added softly, as Aurora took in a deep breath.

"It just felt like he was here again. And touching me and I couldn't get him off me" Aurora quietly said, drying her eyes.

"I know love, I'm so sorry" Rachel said. Then, they heard shuffling at the door and they both shot their gaze towards the door.

And there stood Tom, looking apologetic and awkward, shuffling his feet.

"How much of that did you hear?" Aurora just said coldly, pulling the covers back on herself as she turned her body away from the door, still laying on the bed.

"A-all of it, I'm so-sorry" Tom mumbled, still feeling awkward. But Tom was also angry. Who had done this to her? How could they?

"Great" Aurora sighed, as Rachel still was playing with her hair gently.

"I'll make you something to eat, okay love?" Rachel said, getting up from the bed. She stood next to Tom and nodded her head as a sign for Tom to follow her out.

"I'll be there in just a minute" Tom mumbled, not moving and keeping her eyes on Aurora.

Rachel sighed, softly touching Tom's arm before going into the kitchen.

Tom leaned on the wall, not wanting to get too close to Aurora as to upset her, even though his body was craving for her touch.

"You need anything?" Tom asked, furrowing his brows in worry.

"Nope" Aurora said, still not turning around to face Tom. He was supposed to be a one night stand. That's all she could do, she couldn't trust someone any deeper than that. So why was he here?

"I want to help you" Tom said softly from the other side of the room.

"Well you can't. Why are you even here?" Aurora asked, getting angry. Now she sat up, looking directly at Tom.

Tom felt his heart start racing. Even with no shower, hair in a messy bun, he still thought she was the most beautiful creature on this earth.

"Because I... I care about you. I thought that was clear from the last time I was here" Tom said, nervously fiddling with his rings under Aurora's gaze.

"Well, that's a big mistake. You shouldn't. Care about me, that is" Aurora mumbled, feeling now nervous herself and playing with her own tattooed fingers.

Tom just sighed. He wanted to make this girl see how amazing she was, give her everything she could ever want. She deserved the world and more. Tom wanted her to be his, even though he barely knew her. He'd give anything to have her.

"I'm gonna shower" Aurora just mumbled, walking past Tom into the bathroom. She was afraid, how could this boy she barely knew make her feel butterflies again? How, after how many walls she had built up?

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