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Aurora woke up the next morning, feeling more well rested, having slept without any nightmares for the first time in two years. She frowned when she realized Tom wasn't next to her anymore. She rolled over and saw a note.

'Had to go to an interview with Rach. Didn't want to wake you since you looked so peaceful. I'll run by my house and be back asap x Tom'

Aurora set the note back down and made her way to the bathroom, giving herself her insulin and doing her skincare routine and brushing her teeth.

Then, she made her way to the kitchen and made herself a cup of her favorite coffee. She decided to scroll through Instagram as she had her coffee. She checked her friends' posts and saw Rachel had tagged Tom in a post. She clicked on his profile and looked at his pictures. Seeing so many girls wanting him made her frown. She clicked on his story and saw a video of him and Rachel dancing. The next video made her heart drop. She saw him next to Zendaya and Hunter, his hands around Hunter's waist.

Aurora immediately went into overthinking mode. She wasn't the jealous type, not usually at least. She just knew this was too good to be true. She put her phone down, not wanting to look at it anymore.

'So much for having a good day' she thought, checking the time and seeing it was already 4 pm. She had really slept late. She was very anxious and decided to text her party friend, Justin, who she always texted when she wanted to drown her sorrows in shots and cocktails.

Aurora took a shower and did some heatless curls on her hair, drawing on her eyeliner and doing the rest of her signature makeup. She looked for an outfit and decided on a short black dress, some black see-through stockings and black sandal heels. She added some tangly silver diamond earrings and a few rings. She threw her wallet, phone, insulin, keys and id in her trusty, black purse and ordered an uber. She saw she had a text from Tom but decided not to check it, picking up her leather jacket and heading out to the bar.

"Justin!" she yelled as she ran to him and hugged him.

"Long time, no see, girl! How've you been?" Justin asked hugging Aurora fondly.

"Good, good! You?" Aurora said, sitting down next to Justin at the table.

"Good, I hooked up with a really hot guy last night, I will give you details. But first, shots" he said as he got up and ordered two tequila shots.

Rachel, Tom and Hunter had finished their interview and Tom had texted Aurora.

'Done with the interview. Gonna pick up some stuff from home and I'll be there soon x'

Tom was already at home but still hadn't gotten a reply from Aurora, and it had already been two hours. He frowned, was she okay? He decided to facetime Rachel.

He had explained the situation to Rachel, who was laying in bed with Josh and Lily, who was still at Rachel's.

"She does that sometimes. Usually when she disappears she's with Justin" Rachel said, looking at Tom who was visibly anxious.

"Who the fuck is Justin?" Tom asked, his jealousy growing.

"You saw him at the club the other night. They go out together a lot. I can check his insta for you" Rachel said, tapping away on her phone.

"Good" Tom said, now almost furious from jealousy. How could Aurora go out with another guy?

"Yup, they were at bar Rose two hours ago and now they're at club 21. Their usual spot" Rachel said, now focusing on Tom again.

"Right. I'm gonna go get my girl" Tom said through gritted teeth.

"Be careful with her. If you ever do anything to upset her I will cut your dick off" Rachel said, completely serious.

Infatuated | Tom BlythWhere stories live. Discover now