revenge 31

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All of them run for like 10 minutes and they saw the man flying on top of the Thunderous river with jisung tied up one a chair on other side and felix's birthstone on the another side and minho standing on the land while jisung was crying telling minho something.
"I'll give me to you but please leave all of my friends..."
"NO! NO.. minho please don't do this please..." jisung.

"NO jisung you have to live for me , you have to learn living without me."
"But without you I'm nothing."

"Minho you just can't sacrifice you for us.." Chan said but before they can come near to minho Choi putted a cage on top of them which was made from his magic and it can be even touched by any of them so it was hard to break them.
"NO Chan... you guys are my first priority..." he said while looking at Chan in the eyes and Chan understood and nodded.

"Come to me my baby.." Choi said and minho flew to Choi and Choi putted his hand on minho's waist.
"Hahah...I won! I won! ."
"Not for too long choi" minho scoffed and took out his knife which he was hiding in his clothes and stabbed Choi in his back and the moment he stabbed him..his magic vanished and the cage on top of others vanished. Jisung started falling as he was flying because of choi's magic but others were able to save both jisung and felix's birthstone before ether fall into the lava.

Minho took out the knife from Choi's back and stabbed it right into his heart.
"This one for hurting my brother on that day in library."
Another stab!
"This one for taking his birthstone and hurting him."
Another stab!
"This one for touching my baby and hurting him."
Another stab!
"This one for my mark hyung."
Another stab!
"This one for putting my friends in danger."
After the last stab choi did something and all heared minho's scream.
And minho didn't realised that he was going down in lava with choi.


"Minho! Minho! NO Minho!" Jisung ran to the cliff but it was too late they were able to see Choi's dead body getting burned in the lava but minho was nowhere to be found.
Changbin tried stopping him.." No jisung! You can't go there! We'll find minho soon! You know he is not weak right!?"

"Changbin take jisung and felix's birthstone with you, we will be coming after finding minho i know he will be here." Chan said and changbin nodded.


Next morning^

The atmosphere of Lee's house was not nice.
Innie was treating jisung's wounds while felix was sitting there in shock like jisung.
Minho's parents were silent while jimin was walking here and there and then changbin came inside with others.
Jisung and felix ran to them and than other also.
"Chan hyung did you find minho? My minho? Huh?"
"Why are you not speaking hyung? Where's minho hyung?" Felix said.
But all of them were silent..
Lee's collapsed on floor in shock while felix was not believing what he just realised.

"NO! NO! You're pranking me right? O-okay then I'll a-act like I got p-pranked.. and then m-minho hyung will c-come from t-the door right?"
"Jisung we aren't lying." Seugmin said crying while holding jisung.
"N-no.. minho h-hyung! C-come.. see I got p-pranked..." he than collapsed in seungmin's arms hugging while crying.
His dream...yeh it came true.....

Sorry but all storied don't have happy ending😔
It was meant to be
But next chapter will be out soon so stay tuned for that..
How are you all??
I'm crying 😥

MYTH  ( MinSung ) Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt