angel 23

19 3 1

Minho pov^
Everyone eyes shifted to the place from where the voice came.
What he is doing here? He is our senior in 6th year and very well known as he is the only half human except jisung in whole university but he is famous because once he saved many students from eaten by a dragon. If I'm sure his name is ... jimin.
We all bowed to him.
"Nice to meet you sunbaenim but why are you her eat this hour?"Chan said as leader of our team after bowing.
"I think maybe I can help in finding this person?" He said pointing at the direction of the laptop.
"Any why we believe you?"I said not caring as I'm already not in my right mind , while Chan hitted me with his shoulder as we're not supposed to talk like this with seniors.
"Hmm.. good question." He said.
"Can I sit somewhere?" He said and everyone made a seat for him.
"So why we trust you? You can be the person who kidnapped my jisung." I said as I don't want any type of prank again.
"Hmm that has a point! Why you should trust me?"
"So as you all know , im half human and now I'm gonna tell you something I have never told before.." We become more interested.
"My dad was a human who came to our world by mistake and my mom find him and helped him in hiding from our world's people and told him how to avoid people. But during this type they fell in love and eventually the had me and my mom's parents find out she got scared and planned to go in human's world and when they were escaping my mom's parents found them till then my dad was gone in is world but my mom's parents stopped her and took my mom with half human so I'm not assigned in the work of birthstone..ohh.. yeh my mom is an angel."
We were shocked , we all standed up and bowed at him.
" sit down , I don't like when people do this , so where i was ohh yehh they were not angry at my mom for having relation with a human but she kept it hidden from them and get pregnant also. Now I'm assigned to help the half humans who are facing discrimination and till now I have saved 25 half hu,ans and jisung will be my 26th."
"And yehh felix birthstone is rare he is surviving because his birthstone is still connected to him because of its rare powers but if the man combined his birthstone with felix's than felix will not be able to survive."
"Sorry." I said " Sorry for not believing you."
"It's ok I don't mind and I understand your situation." He said in the softest tone ever.
"So how you're gonna help us?" Chan asked curiously.
"First I'm gonna put sheilds on your powers so none will knew when you use your powers." Jimin said.
He than moved his hands in a specific manner and a blueish whitesh light spread across his hands and then he pointed at me and did same with others."
Actually we're not allowed to use our powers in campus u less it's about self defense and when we use our powers the red light in every corner of campus will glow and we will get called by principal.
" try using your powers now."
"Me first." Hyunjin said and hesitatingly snapped his fingers and some blue light spread and he was gone and in split of seconds he was back and yehh the light didn't turn on.
"We're gonna plan more tomorrow night after dinner so goof night and yehh give me jisung's laptop I will hack the number from which the video came." Jimin said and went to his room. We were shocked as how nice he was and how much he wanted to help us and told us his secret so we gotta trust him.

We also slept in our rooms hoping for something best and I felt asleep thinking about My Love.

I will check the mistakes later but this is for now
How are you guys/gals/others?
I wrote it in hurry so hoping it turned out nice
Thanks for reading .♥️😇

MYTH  ( MinSung) { On Hold }Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon