blood 18

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Felix pov^
I woke up not to see the darkness of library but the brightness of a room with white ceiling. I tried to move my head even thought it was hard and I realised I was in room of a HOSPITAL!
I panicked and when I tried to move I saw chagbin coming to me
" felix? You woke up! Relax , you shouldn't move."
Seeing changbin relaxed me a bit but why I was here, I was going to ask me but the doctor came and told him to wait outside.

The doctor was checking me and asked me some questions like
What's my name? Where i study ? Is he mad or something but then I asked
" umm.. e-excuse me w-what day is t-today?" I didn't expect it to hurt that much and I speak like whispering but the doctor still heared it " ohh it's Tuesday and only one person at one time can meet you." The doctor smiled and went outside.
What? It's Tuesday? It's been a fucking week since I'm here? How?

I couldn't process anything , my mind was going crazy but just then changbin came
"Binnie? W-what ha-appened ? W-why I'm h-here?" I can see his worried face but instead of answering me " lix baby minho hyung is coming to meet you okay." He said placing kiss on my forehead.
Huh? Miho hyung? Nooo... jisung? Wher is jisung ? He needed my help , he was in danger! NO!
" J-JISUNG!? I NEED TO H-HELP HIM! HE W-WANTED MY HELP! THE P-PERSON WAS G-GOING TO HURT H-HIM!" I screamed worridely using my all strength that was left and I saw minho hyung coming inside seeing me screaming , he quickly came and hugged me and yes I felt relaxed but before I can process anything everything went black.

Minho pov^ on annual day
Changbin came to me when I was lost in thoughts of me and jisung going to meet my parents.
" heyy minho hyung ? Do you know where is felix?" Yehh where is he, didn't he went to check on jisung.
" umm he went to their rooms to find jisung.
" when?"
" I think it's been 15 minutes." I said nervously but worriedly.
" let me message him."

Lil bro lixie 💝
Hey, felix !
How long you both are going to take?
Come fast the show is starting soon!


I send the message and it was seen right away but no one replied so I called him
The call disconnected while ringing and when I tried to call again it was switched off.
This freaked both me and chagbin but calming eachother I tried calling jisung also but no answer.

" they both better not doing any prank, im getting worried." Changbin said standing up. " let go find them."
" and yehh not tell other they will be worried."I said walking off the rooftop.

Me and changbin searched everywhere , every bathroom stall , their rooms , even our rooms and at this point it was too much.
" I hope they arent in any problem."
" let check last time on rooftop , what of they went their when we came here." Changbin said assuring and I get a little hope to find them again. All the way I was hoping to find them their.
When we were passing from library , I smelled something ofc I'm a vampire and I smelled blood from library. Thinking someone in danger I said to changbin " changbin stop." He frowned" I can smell blood from library." His expression changed and I rushed to library and he followed me .
Blood was everywhere on the floor but why I can smell a recognizable scent. My anxiety was on the peak when I saw a figure laying on the floor , changbin was behind me and he rushed to the body and so as me only to see my precious brother.
" felix? FELIX!? Who did this to you!?" He was unconscious. I picked him up and rushed to the hospital of our campus and changbin told out teammates about this.

I tried to find jisung but their were no sign of him.
After two days police called me to ask about what I saw their.
What I'm supposed to tell , my brother their struggling with his life or my boyfriend that I don't know If he is even alive or not.
" Mr. Minho , we found these things their." He said passing me something in evidence bags and they were phone of felix and jisung.
Felix one was badly crushed and jisung one was okay.
" We found that Mr. Jiusng messaged Mr. Felix to came to library, And now Mr. Felix is badly injured with both jisung and mr. Felix's birthstone is nowhere to be find."
" We are thinking as Mr. Felix birthstone was rare and powerful , their are many chances that Mr. Jisung injured Mr. Felix to get his birthstone."
"ENOUGH! THEY WERE BESTFRIENDS , MY JISUNG CAN NEVER TO THIS TO FELIX!" I shouted top of my lungs grabbing the coller of the officer. Is this man crazy?  My jisung can't do this.
Other officer came and freed the officer from me , the officer said while fixing his coller "even though he was half human, what else we can expect from humans huh!"
" say one more word and you're dead." I said standing up calling the authorities to change the officer for our case.
I went to a nearby park to get some rest as I'm not ready to go to hospital,  seeing my one and only brother in that situation.
It was evening that I didn't realised I slept whole afternoon so I get ready to go to the hospital.
And right then I saw Mr. Choi our librarian coming out of from police office.
It's first time I saw him in two days
He approached me" minho I can feel , what you're going through now and I just want to say be strong."
" I wish I was there to help felix from jisung."
Anger rushed through my body again but I don't want to shout on him as he has always been nice to me. " See Mr. Choi , my jisung didn't do anything , I don't know why everyone is blaming him just because he can't be find."
" but it's what some students are saying."
Are they real , my boyfriend and brother's life is in danger and they are spreading these fucking rumors.

I wanted to write more but this is long enough,
Don't know how chapters are coming out nice and I'm still learning how to write so please support.

Thanks for reading.
Luv you guys/gals/others.♥️♥️♥️♥️

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