fireflies 28

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All of them except jimiin have been to minho's and felix's house.
They all entered the house from the main gate and walked till the front door , a maid opened the door for them and in less than a second Lee couples came their running hugging their precious childs.
"Are you okay? Did you got hurt anywhere?" Mrs. Lee asked questioning while crying but minho comforted her and lead everyone to the couches.
After awhile of crying , minho and felix comforted them.
"Sorry everyone , are you guys okay too?" Mr. Lee asked to others.
Others said that they all are fine but Mrs. Lee's eyes landed on jimin and she asked , "you? Who are you? Are you Monica's son?" Jimin was suprised.
"How did you know my mom's name aunty?"
"How can I forget those eyes , your eyes are just like your mother's. She had the most beautiful eyes."
"Mom how d-do you know h-his mother?" Felix asked.
"I was the only one whom she told about her story but I lost contact with her when we moved from that district." Mrs. Lee said.
"Ohhh..." everyone said in unison.
"Mom he is helping us in finding jisung and till now have helped us a lot and the reason he is here because he think jisung is in some else district, so he came here to find if by chance jisung is here." Minho said.
"So have you guys not seen jisung after the annual day function and felix birthstone is not with him from that day?" Mrs. Lee said.
"Yes aunty , but now jimin has brought that ring felix is fine." Chan said.
"And we were so close in getting jisung but I wasn't able to even free him from the ties." Minho said sadly.
"It's not your fault. And we will help you guys in everything you need in finding jisung , my poor baby. And jimin thanks for helping our childs." Mrs. Lee said thinking about her adorable jisung.

Time skips...( I'm to lazy to write as I don't even know what they'll do here hehe....) next day evening.

All of them were getting into the cars to go to the transportation gallery. All of them bid their fairwell to Lee's.
Suddenly minho get out of car " what's the matter min?" His dad asked.
"Oh I think I forgot my phone in my room." Saying this he ran to his room as they were getting late already.

Minho pov^
I entered my room finding my phone and I remembered that I put it in balcony , I opened the balcony door and saw my phone. As I crouched down to take it from the table some fireflies came their and started glowing.
It was a voice message

Minho... M-minho ... I heared you today. Are you guys here? I heared Chan , changbin and some other guy too. Please take me from here... it's so scary here. I'm trying my best in not acting scared infront of him but I want you to take me from here. I love you.

"Jisung ? My jisung? He is here ? I have to save him..!!!!!"

I ran down stairs to the gate and told everything what just happend.


How are you guys/gals/others?
Ik This is short but I really don't know what to write rn but here it is a new year gift.... enjoy.

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