13 | Elliot Street.

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June 20, 2023 | 8:00am
Ashwood City | Harmony Inc..

Aiden arrives at Harmony Inc., the parking lot bathed in bright light, reflecting on the elevated sign. He parks his car, the engine purring softly as he switches it off. Stepping out of the vehicle, he locks it with a press of a button on his key fob before making his way towards the entrance.

As he approaches the door, Aiden's attention is suddenly captured by a commotion emanating from Madeline's Pastries, the charming bakery adjacent to Harmony Inc. He hears a voice he recognizes, and curiosity gets the better of him. Glancing towards the shop, he spots Elliot storming out, his face flushed with anger and frustration. Aiden pauses, concern etching his features, and he instinctively waves at the young man.

Elliot notices Aiden's presence and comes to a halt, aware of the wet stain that clings to his navy blue sweater that hugs to his slender frame, accentuating his youthful features. His messy dark hair falls slightly into his eyes, adding to his disheveled appearance and Aiden's smile falters. Catching a glimpse of Elliot's timid and shocked expression, a worrying contrast to his usual cheery demeanor.

Before Aiden can approach him, Elliot abruptly turns away and marches off in a hurry. Aiden sighs, feeling a pang of worry for the young man. He slumps his shoulders and, with a resigned sigh, swiftly reactivates the locks on the digital touchscreen keypad by swiping the screen. Disappointed, Aiden makes his way back to his car and settles inside.

Driving out of the plaza, Aiden meanders down the avenue, passing by sparsely littered business places. The coastal side of Ashwood offers a serene and picturesque view, with the sun casting a glow on the surrounding buildings.

Aiden continues driving, his gaze scanning the surroundings, until he spots Elliot walking swiftly ahead. The young man sticks to the lawn that accompanies the paved concrete sidewalks, his determined stride indicating his troubled state of mind. Aiden makes a quick decision and pulls the car around just as Elliot reaches a traffic light and presses the cross button on the nearby traffic pole.

Rolling down his windows, Aiden catches Elliot's attention. "Get in," he calls out, a note of concern thick in his tone.

Elliot crosses his arms over his chest, an almost petulant expression on his face. "You're technically still a stranger," he retorts, his voice laced with caution.

Aiden chuckles softly, his eyes sparkling with amusement. "And there are four cameras with vantage points that could identify me if you're afraid of being abducted," he teases.

Elliot raises an eyebrow, clearly taken aback. "How the hell do you know that?" he asks, a mix of curiosity and skepticism coloring his tone.

Aiden's chuckle deepens. "I build houses and businesses, kid. I literally get paid to scope out locations and calculate the margin of extra safety using the surroundings for the more... paranoid clients," he explains, a hint of pride in his voice.

Elliot sighs, rolling his eyes in reluctant acceptance as his arms fall to his side. He then circles the car, finally entering and settling into the seat. Aiden wastes no time and pulls off, checking his mirrors with practiced ease.

"Seatbelt," Aiden says tersely, his voice leaving no room for argument. Elliot glances at him, pondering the reason behind Aiden's insistence, but he complies moments later, clicking the seatbelt into place.

Aiden turns his attention back to the road ahead, his gaze focused yet filled with concern. "Trouble with the family?" he asks, the question laced with empathy.

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