
After ordering their desired drinks they sat down and listened to the rain. It was raining a bit harder as the day was slowly coming to an end as night was falling upon them.

Jisung wasn't as nervous as the first time when speaking to Minho. They spoke about everything and anything. Their conversation was very natural and relaxed.

"Okay no, i like summer, but the heat can be so annoying sometimes!" Jisung said as they were talking about various topics. "Autumn and winter are just better seasons." Jisung said as he took a sip of his sweet coffee.

"I wholeheartedly agree with you! Summer is a pain." Minho enthusiastically said, agreeing with jisungs first statement.

"We have more things in common than I'd ever expect. You seem like such a fun person to hang out with!" Jisung said as he finished his drink. He looked at the elder seated in front of him, staring at him. Jisung smiled and looked back into Minho's beautiful brown eyes. It's like his eyes held stars, they held galaxies.

His eyes were so beautiful. Every inch of Minho was beautiful.

"The cafe is closing soon. Its best if we head out now." Jisung said as he checked his phone for the time. The clock showing 8:53pm.

They went on talking for a few more minutes while Minho finished drinking his coffee.


The two exited the cafe. The rain was the most it had been all day. The air was very cold and the sky was dark.

'Ah damn. Why didn't I ask hyung to pick me up. The cafe's already closed and its dark.' Jisung thought before he would greet Minho good bye.

"Did you come with a Kakao Taxi? I don't see your car." Minho asked as he looked for Jisungs car.

"Ahh.. no. Chan hyung dropped me off here. He's probably working on a track with changbin at the moment. I don't want to bother them." Jisung responded, thinking of ways to get back to their apartment without getting wet.

'Damn it. I should've brought an umbrella.' Jisung thought as he looked at the rain.

"I can drive you to your apartment." Minho offered as he looked at the harsh weather. It would snow any day now. The nights were frozen and cold, and there was a strong breeze in the air.

"Ahh no. It's late and you should get home!" Jisung declined Minho's generous offer.

They went back and forth before Minho persuaded Jisung to accept the offer.

"Ah you can get sick. You wouldn't want to miss out on work just because you were sick." Minho said as he heard Jisung groan.

"Alright, lets go before the sky gets any darker." Jisung followed Minho to his sports car. Minho unlocked the car and being the gentleman he is, he opened the door for Jisung.

The two got into the car as it lit up and the engine roared to life. Minho immediately made it warmer and adjusted the temperature to Jisungs liking.

"Wow, you're such a gentleman!" Jisung laughed as he looked as Minhos reaction. Minho was slightly flustered  by Jisungs wording. But snapped out of it.

"Ah I certainly am. But only for the best." Minho winked and flirted with Jisung as they drove to Jisungs apartment. The younger looked at Minhos arms. His veins quite visible and prominent.

They drove under a tunnel and sang along to the radio. It felt like they were friends for months, if not years.


As Minho arrived at Jisungs apartment, he softened the music down.

"Ah thank you so much Minho Hyung for this lovely afternoon! It was a pleasure to speak with you." Jisung beamed as he opened the car door. The cold air hitting the side of his face and his hands.

"We must certainly hang out some more! Especially now in the more quiet times at the company. You better get inside now, its getting cold. Sleep tight!" Minho said, stopping the car and waving to the younger.

"Bye Minho hyung! Get home safely!" Jisung waved to the elder and scurried inside the building. He peeped his heard through the door and saw minho drive away.



It was lovely spending time with you! @Real

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It was lovely spending time with you!

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