chapter 38

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" Do you understand the plan" Demeter said with an evil smile on her face

Minthe also smiled "yes this plan is perfect"

"Good" Demeter said then she stood up and grabbed minthe's throat

"Listen to me very carefully, you better execute this plan well. If you make any mistakes , you don't want to know what I'll do to you " she threatened

Minthe choked as she grabbed Demeter's hand trying to pull it off her throat"o-ok o-o-ok, let go"

Demeter smirked as she held on a little tighter before letting go , minthe collapsed on the floor coughing and breathing hard

"I'm doing this to show you your place, you're just a useless nymph, I can kill you instantly so you better not mess up" she said

"If this plan works, it will break hades and my son apart. And that bastard child might also die "

Minthe was a little scared, normally grandparents loved their grandchildren but Demeter actually wanted to kill her's

Whatever as long as I become queen, nothing else matters

"Yoongi what do you want to show me" Jimin said

They were currently in the underworld, yoongi said he had a surprise for Jimin and after showing him, he would take him back to Demeter's house

"Jimin for the last time it's a surprise"
Yoongi said

Taehyung and Jungkook were both out on a date ,so it was only yoonmin that were here

"Ok close your eyes" yoongi said once they were in front of a room

"Aaaand open them" yoongi said as he opened the door

"Aaaand open them" yoongi said as he opened the door

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Jimin gasped"yoongi this is beautiful "

Yoongi Back hugged him "I knew you'd like it, after some time we can go baby shopping and buy all the essential things we need "

Tears welled up in Jimin's eyes as he sniffed

Yoongi immediately panicked"hey why are crying, are you hungry ?, Do you need a massage?, What's wrong?"

Jimin giggled as he wiped his tears "nothing is wrong , I'm fine "

"These are happy tears "

Yoongi breathe a sigh of relief " I got very worried for a second, anyway guess what I got you for lunch"

"What " Jimin asked

"Strawberries and Ice cream" he said

Jimin gasped clapping excitedly, he's been craving for strawberries and Ice cream for a while now "but wait how did you know" he asked tilting his head

"Jin told me that you were craving some" yoongi explained

"Ohhh" Jimin said cutely

"Why are we here talking when I could be eating" Jimin quickly said as he ran away

His Queen {Yoonmin} Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt