chapter 10

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Yoongi sighed as he looked at the dark sky's with thunder and lightning
" Zeus definitely isn't happy". But at this moment yoongi didn't care Jimin is his fated and he has every right to spend time with him.

As he walked in he saw Zeus (namjoon) and Hera (Jin) sitting on their thrones. Namjoon stared hard at yoongi and said " hades do you mind explaining yourself, because from what Demeter told us things aren't looking good for you"

Yoongi didn't have time to banter, argue with Zeus when he wasn't in the wrong " Jimin is my fated, I don't know what Demeter told you but I have every right to spend time with him. In fact Demeter should be grateful because as his fated I had the right to take him as mine immediately he was born but I didn't "

Jin gasped in happiness" really, Jimin is your fated", yoongi looked at him with a smile " yes hyung, I finally found my fated sorry I didn't tell you "

Jin hugged him with happy tears in his eyes and said "Congratulations"

" Thank you" yoongi responded,

Meanwhile with namjoon he was having mixed feelings, he was disappointed because he wanted Jimin to be a virgin god like his sisters (Athena and Artemis) and he was happy that his son had an amazing fated like yoongi, he was relieved because he knew that yoongi would take good care of him but he was also worried because of Demeter, a decision had to be made and he knew that this decision would hurt his brother but it had to be done.

" Hades,as your punishment you are cursed to stay in the underworld for the next ten years and until then you are not allowed in the surface world"

As namjoon made his decision yoongi stared at him in shock and anger while Jin stared at him with sadness and disappointment

As Yoongi looked at namjoon he understood why this decision was made but he was still angry, he turned around and hastily made his way out of Olympus to the underworld where he will be imprisoned for the next ten years. He wasn't worried because he has waited for Jimin for thousands of years, ten years isn't a problem but once the deadline is up yoongi is taking what belongs to and he won't let anyone stop him.


Namjoon looked at Jin as he held his throbbing cheek.

" Your brother has waited for fated for so long, he has been silently suffering for years how could you just ....." Jin closed his eyes in despair as his tears fell down his face.

" Do you think I wanted to do that I have my reasons, I know Demeter even if yoongi is her son's fated she won't accept it, she barely allows him to visit his father and from her attitude we know she won't allow them to have any kind of relationship.
I had to banish yoongi because in ten years Jimin will be eighteen and free to make his own decisions, Demeter won't be able to control him". Namjoon said as he tried to defend himself.

" You think you just made a normal decision but you don't realize the pain you're causing both of them, yoongi is strong so he can handle the but Jimin, what about Jimin how is he going to handle it" Jin said

Namjoon furrowed his brows "what are you talking about"

Jin scoffed" of course you don't know, when two fated are separated they feel a heart wrenching pain"Jin puts his hands on his chest "it makes them feel like their heart is being squeezed and it makes them feel living isn't worth it "

Jin cried as he looks at his hands " the weaker ones can even lose their powers and they feel like there is no reason for them to smile or be happy"

Namjoon eyes widened" I didn't know that would happen"

Jin chuckled " how would you know you only know how to inflict pain, first it was me, then all the women you've tricked, now it's jimin, so tell me who's next "

Namjoon was shocked" wait what do mean you"

Jin laughed " to you, you were just cheating but to me"Jin laughed as his tears fell once more " you caused me so much pain, every time you slept with another woman it felt like someone was using a knife to stab it over and over again, you took all my happiness and made me a bitter man that took all his anger on the women and innocent children".

Jin looked at his hands "as if all that wasn't enough you took my powers" Jin cried " my powers, I can't bless marriages anymore. Women come to me to pray for their marriages and I would bless them and witness their love , that was last thing that made me happy but YOU TOOK IT FROM ME "

" I mean isn't it ironic women pray to me for their marriages, they expect me to protect and make them have long lasting marriages but look at my own marriage, how am I supposed to bless people's marriages when my own marriage is in shambles" Jin bitterly chuckled

" You know what namjoon I'm tired, I'm tired of feeling this pain every day, honestly I wish I never met you Zeus, im done, I can't do this anymore, I'm leaving" Jin said as he left the throne room.

This was namjoons last test and his relationship with Jin depended on his decision will he stay and allow Jin to leave and ruin their relationship forever or will he chase after his wife and save their relationship at the cost of his reputation.....

" So can you do it " Demeter asked as she stared an Nyx with disdain.

Nyx replied " yes I can do it but I won't". " What how dare you" Demeter shouted . NYX's eyes glowed "you better watch your tone Demeter"

Demeter quickly gained her composure, she knew better than angering this powerful goddess"Nyx please do this for me, I promise I'll give you whatever you want, just do this for me"

Nyx scoffed " sorry but I'm not an idiot, I definitely won't offend hades just for whatever you want to give me and quite frankly I just don't like you so I still wouldn't do it even if hades wasn't involved".

She continued " don't even bother trying to find another person to help you all the other gods either fear or respect hades and Hecate (yoongi and taetae) and they won't be foolish enough to offend the two of them so you should give up on your plans"

Demeter scowled as she left, if she couldn't find a god she would have to find a human witch that would do her bidding, after all a god might not offend hades but a greedy human would definitely do it.
That's all folks don't forget to vote comment and share, 😘💜 💜💜
Namjin shippers must hate me right now, but they must hate Demeter even more than me.

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