chapter 17

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After meeting Zeus, Demeter became even more paranoid, she made sure Jimin was with her at all times, and he only got to be alone in his room during night time.

Jimin loves his mom but he was starting to feel suffocated and uncomfortable with how she was everywhere , he didn't even get to be alone with the nymphs or hobi.

Jimin sat down laughing and chatting with all the nymphs, he looked to the side and wasn't surprised seeing his mother staring at them

Jimin tried to ignore the fact his mother was stalking him and said "so tell me some things about the human world, I might not be able to go outside but at least I can listen to all your tales "

One of the nymphs giggled and said " sure, we'll happily tell you  "

They stayed and chatted while eating and drinking, it was like a tea party

Eventually they got to the topic of love

" Ohhhh you should have seen it sisters " squealed one of the nymphs

"It was so romantic, the male bought hundreds if not thousands of roses and used it to propose to his love, it was so sweet"

Jimin listened with interest as he wished deep in his heart that he would also be able to experience love

It was dinner time and Jimin was still thinking about what the nymphs said

He wanted to experience pure and
true love, where there is no betrayal,
no lies and no secrets. Where they would be each other's shield, strength and shoulder to cry on.

Demeter noticed her son was distracted and said " Jimin what's wrong"

Jimin flinched " nothing mother, I was just thinking about what the nymphs told me "

Jimin blushed "They talked about some tales of love and romance that they witnessed , I'm just thinking about how I want to experience that type of love "

Demeter frowned

love ?, If I knew this would happen I wouldn't have allowed those nymphs to open their mouths

Now Jimin is thinking about love, what if he falls in love with someone else in the future, hades is not my only problem, Other gods and goddesses can try to take Jimin away from me

Demeter paled at that thought

No I can't let that happen, I need to do something but what

Demeter bit her lip and then came up with an idea


Body shaming, fat shaming and manipulation, if you're not comfortable please skip to the end of the chapter

Demeter smirked " but my flower you'll never be able to find love"

Jimin smile dropped " why"

Demeter sighed and said " it because you're ugly and fat "

Tears built up in Jimin's eyes

"w-what"  he stuttered

" Yes, no one will ever love you because of the way you look. Both humans and gods are beauty seekers, they give a lot of love and attention to those who are beautiful but they treat ugly people with disgust"

" Jimin you are ugly and fat, I mean look at you. Do you seriously think someone will ever love you"

A tear fell down Jimin's cheek

" H- how can you say this, I'm your son"

"It's precisely because you are my son that I'm saying this. I am your mother so I'll accept you and love you no matter what you look like, but no other person will accept you Jimin"

" No one will love you except me, I'm your mom and I feel like it's better to tell you now, than for you to get your hopes up and find out later"

Jimin looked down

" please excuse me " he said as he stood up and ran upstairs while covering his mouth

Demeter watched her son run upstairs in tears

She felt bad but quickly consoled herself thinking that she did it for his own  good

(Still very sensitive but not sure if I should put a trigger warning)

Jimin looked at himself in the mirror as he touched his face.

" Am I really ugly "

Of course you are, your mom has already told you the truth

I mean look your cheeks are so chubby

Jimin looked at his cheeks, he used to think he looked cute but now he felt it looked weird

Look at your big stomach

He raised his shirt and looked at his flat and healthy stomach but he could only see fat

Look at your arms

Look at your legs

Look at your face

Tears fell from Jimin's eyes one by one at he started looking at his image with disgust

Mother was right

He gulped

I am fat and ugly

And no one will ever love me


Summary for those who skipped :

Demeter called Jimin fat and ugly and manipulated him into thinking that he'll never be loved by anyone else except her.

And remember everyone is beautiful in their own way, no one is truly ugly and no one should feel ashamed of their weight, we are all stars and we are all beautiful.
I purple you 💜💜💜

Sorry if this made you cringe, I'm not very good with words 😳🤦

So that's it for now, what are your thoughts?, how much do you hate Demeter?

Don't forget to vote share and comment 💜💜💜💜

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