chapter 9

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  It was just another normal day, the two friends met, played and laughed together. They hugged tightly but froze as they both heard something that filled them with worry and fear.

"What the hell is going on here"

Few hours earlier
  Jimin smiled as he woke up, he made his way to the kitchen where his mother was preparing breakfast. "Morning mum" Jimin said, "good morning darling " Demeter replied as she gave Jimin his breakfast.

"I have a surprise for you, I don't have any work to do today, so we can spend the whole day together " Demeter told Jimin,he smiled happy that he could spend time with his mom but sad at the same time because that meant he couldn't spend time with yoonie.

"Demeter I have an important message for you" hoseok said came into the house. "Hobi hyung " Jimin exclaimed as he hugged his friend. Hoseok returned the hug and smiled at Jimin.

"what is it" Demeter said while looking coldly at Hoseok. " Demeter you are hereby summoned to Olympus to discuss about the war happening on earth" Hoseok declared, demeter frowned annoyed but she knew she didn't have a choice."sorry Jimin I won't be able to spend time with you anymore " Demeter said and Jimin replied "don't worry mum we can hang out some other time ". On the Inside Jimin was happy he would be able to play with his yoonie.

Demeter and Hoseok left the house together while Jimin ran to the garden so that he could meet his best friend.

All the twelve gods main sat at the table except hades, Demeter rolled her eyes irritated. She could be spending the day with her son but instead she was here listening to Athena and Ares bicker and argue because of the stupid war between the humans, she sighed with annoyance.

Zeus looked at her sharply and asked "Demeter is there a problem" , Demeter responded " I don't even understand why I'm here, I'm just a goddess of harvest but I'm here and I have to listen to this nonsense but hades the god of death can stay in his castle"

Jin rolled his eyes "If hades was here he would have to deal with people like you glaring at him and trying to humiliate him, so I'm not surprised that he didn't come."

Demeter gritted her teeth but with the look that namjoon gave her she definitely couldn't say anything to Jin.

Aphrodite giggled mockingly, Demeter frowned"and why are you laughing". "  I just think it's funny you're the goddess of harvest and if you think about it, because of the war plants, crops and animals will be destroyed which means you're definitely supposed to be here to ensure that humans don't die of hunger and yet you're complaining and saying that you don't need to be here".

Namjoon sneered and said " Demeter you are involved with the war and yet you're complaining, If you're complaining then I wonder what Aphrodite who is the goddess of beauty and Hera the god of marriage should do."

Demeter gritted her teeth as she stayed quiet while all the other gods and goddesses  looked at her with ridicule in their eyes.

Few hours later
Immediately the meeting was over Demeter hurriedly stood up and left , she wanted to go home as soon as possible luckily for her the meeting ended early so she would be able to spend time with Jimin.

As Demeter went inside her home she called for her son but frowned when he didn't respond, he must be with the nymphs. But when she got there she didn't see him " where is my son" , the nymphs bowed " sorry mistress but the young master hasn't come here for some time now"

Demeter was shocked, what did they mean Jimin told her he always spent his time with the nymphs and Hoseok, but the nymphs said that he hadn't come here in a while and she paled when she remembered what Hoseok told her. " Tell Jimin I'm sorry that I haven't had time to play with him, I've been really busy lately".

Demeter frowned as she thought about it if Jimin wasn't playing with Hoseok or the nymphs then who the hell was her son playing with." All of you search every inch of this forest and find my son if you can't find him don't bother to come back" Demeter ordered as she left in search of her son.

Demeter ran calling and screaming Jimin's name but she stopped in her tracks as she saw something that made her eyes fill with hatred and anger. It was Jimin but he was hugging Hades . " What the hell is going on here".

Jimin gasped as Demeter angrily marched up to them and pulled him away from yoongi, smack. Jimin held his cheek shocked, his mother has never hit him before.

Yoongi frowned"Demeter" but Demeter held her hand up "keep quiet, this is between me and my son and don't worry I will make sure that Zeus hears about this" and with that she pulled Jimin and went back home.

Jimin flinched as Demeter harshly slammed the door " mom I'm sorry I lied to you but I only did it cause I knew that you wouldn't allow me and yoongi to be friends, she harshly gripped Jimin's shoulders " Jimin tell me the truth are you still pure".

Jimin frowned " mom what type of question is that" smack tears slowly fell from Jimin's eyes as he looked at the woman in front of him. "Jimin I asked you if you are still pure" Demeter said.

"Yes" Jimin replied as he sobbed, Demeter sighed in relief at least that monster didn't taint her son " Jimin go to room". But Jimin said as he got on his knees " mother please let me and yoongi be friends, please I beg you mother"

"Jimin I said go to your room" Demeter ordered, Jimin flinched but still remained on his knees with his head bowed and his arms clasped together. Demeter harshly grabbed Jimin's hand and pulled him to his room , immediately they got there she pushed him inside and locked the door. Jimin's wails could be heard as he begged his mother to allow him to be friends with yoongi.

Demeter's eyes gleamed and she made her way back to Olympus so that hades would be dealt with, she obviously wasn't going to listen to her son no matter how much he begged. Her son was hers he didn't need friends or his appa , he only needed her his mother and as his mother she knew what was best for him.
That's all folks Don't forget to vote, comment and share💜💜

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