chapter two

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The gods and goddesses in Olympus were elated, there was a new member, another brother in their large family. They congratulated namjoon who thanked them.

Namjoon was smiling widely,his dimples on fully shown holding his cup filled to the brim with ambrosia as he looked at his son who was in his mother's embrace.

"To my beloved son" he raised his cup for a toast

"The god of spring"

Deep in the Earth's soil,in the dark corners of the underworld,three of the powerful women were at work. The morai also known as the fates and no they weren't three ugly witches who shared one eye.

They had a very important job of deciding everyone's fate.
Each had a very important part to play. the first sister was clotho, she is the one who spins the thread of life.

Then the thread is collected by lachesis who measures it and passes it to the third sister.

Atropos collects the thread and with a pair of sharp shears cuts them, deciding when they would die and how or what they would die from.

That was when something happened, all three gasped at the thread and for the first time in years left their positions to take a closer look.

"A new immortal has been born" clotho remarked but they all knew this thread was different. Normally, an immortals thread was thicker so atropos could not cut it and it faintly glowed signifying their status as a god. This thread was so bright the fates couldn't look at it for long time without feeling their eyes burning from the immense bright light that it gave,it wasn't supposed to be so strong but it shined like the sun.

"I have never seen such a pure and innocent soul" lachesis exclaimed while her two sisters nodded in agreement.

"What should be his fate" asked Atropos

All the fates went into deep thought, trying to figure out what his fate should be

What should be the fate of the son of Demeter

"How about we spice things up a bit" lachesis said as her two sisters looked at her in confusion

"Let's pair the brightest soul with the darkest one" lachesis said

"Are you insane, you want us to pair this pure soul with Hades, he will destroy him" clotho said seriously questioning her sisters mentality.

"Listen to me and let me explain, if we pair them together the light will be able to pull him out of the darkness" lachesis said

"No,if anything hades will destroy him "

"Hades is merciless.....cold....and lethal"clotho said slowly

"He is also just,powerful and honorable" lachesis replied

"You want to put the Lord of death with a god of fertility, a god of life,they are complete opposites" Atropos said

"Opposites attract my dear sister"

"And besides, we all know Hades needs this ,he has been betrayed, his happiness taken away by his own flesh and blood, he has been waiting for his fated for thousands of years and he feels that we have forgotten him"

The three sisters argued for hours until they finally came to a conclusion

"It is decided, we will pair the brightest soul with the darkest soul" the three sisters spoke at the same time. Lachesis took each thread and twisted them together, entwining their fates.

"I hope we won't regret this decision" Atropos said

"The underworld is finally going to have a queen"

What could possibly go wrong


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