chapter 21

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They arrived at a river bank

" How are we going to get across" Jimin asked

" That's how " yoongi said as he pointed to a boat which was approaching them

" Welcome back my king " a man in a black cloak bowed

Yoongi smiled " Jimin this is Charon , the ferryman of the underworld, he transports souls across the river "

Charon bowed " welcome my Lord "

Jimin smiled politely and greeted him back

Yoongi dropped two coins in Charon's pouch and then their journey continued once again

There wasn't really a view because everywhere was dark with only a few torches lighting up the way

Jimin looked at water

It looked dark and had an eerie feeling to it, Jimin looked closer and flinched when he saw something moving in the water

" Yoongi there's something in the water"

Yoongi sighed " those are souls who are trapped in acheron"

" Why are they trapped"

" Acheron is a river which flows from the living world and is one of the main entrances to the underworld. Charon transports souls across acheron but there is a condition. Charon doesn't transport souls for free, the souls would need to make a payment."

" When a person dies , the deceased relatives put an obolus (coin) into the deceased mouth, once the deceased arrives at the river bank they give Charon the obolus and he transports them"

Yoongi sighed again " but sometimes the relatives might not put the obolus in the deceased mouth, it can be out of selfishness, greed, envy or hatred. And in some instances when the deceased body isn't found so they can't "

" If a soul doesn't have an obolus they will stay at the bank until a miracle happens, but sometimes souls try to enter the river to try swim across and by  doing so they get trapped, that's why acheron is also called the river of pain "

"I wish there was something I could do but even as a king I have rules I need to follow"

Jimin gasped as he felt bad for those souls but there was nothing that could be done

"So are there any more rivers in the underworld?" Jimin asked

" Yes, there are five main rivers in the underworld, Acheron, Styx, Lethe, Phlegethon and Cocytus " yoongi replied

" You already know about Acheron and Styx. Lethe is the river of forgetfulness, souls drink from it so that they will forget their past lives and move on in the afterlife. Phlegethon is the river of fire and flows in the depths of Tartarus.
Cocytus is the river of wailing, murderers are thrown in and it is said they are wailing from it's punishing waters." Yoongi explained

" So how are the mortals Afterlife decided"

" Their actions while alive decide their fate in the afterlife, criminals and bad people go to Tartarus and are punished for all their crimes. Elysium fields are for heroes, demigods and people blessed the gods for their work on earth, these souls decide if they want to stay in Elysium or reincarnate back to the mortal realm."

" And last but not least the fields of asphodel, these are for the normal people who haven't done anything of greatness but haven't committed grave crimes either. Here they continue their lives normally but without stress and worries or problems. After all they dealt with these things while they were alive, they shouldn't have to experience them in death too."

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