chapter 25

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Minthe had been very annoying these past few days

Jimin and yoongi had definitely gotten closer, Jimin already knew he had started having feelings for yoongi and loved spending time with him but there was one problem


Jimin was not a fan of violence but he always felt like hitting her

She always tried to get close or flirt with yoongi the latter always ignored her and pushed her away but she still continued

If not for the fact that she knew hades and Hecate would kill her she would probably try to bully Jimin too

Jimin knew he shouldn't worry about her but he always had this feeling when he saw her with yoongi, he always felt bad and had the urge to throw her through furniture

Taehyung burst into laughter at how cute Jimin was

Jimin pouted and whined "tae be serious, I'm trying to pour my heart out here"

V chuckled "I know what this is"

"Really what is it"

Taehyung cleared his throat "when you have feelings or are interested in someone you usually don't want to share them with anyone else, so when they are with another person you might get jealous"

" Jealous" Jimin repeated

"Yes because of the way minthe keeps throwing herself at yoongi you're feeling jealous"

"You feel like grabbing her by her hair and bashing her head in"

Jimin pouted "well how do get rid of this jealousy"

"Jimin you have no reason to be jealous, minthe is literally a clown in yoongi's eyes and yoongi is also very annoyed with her cause she keeps interrupting your dates"

Jimin blushed" they are not dates"

"Sure they aren't" Taehyung said as he rolled his eyes

" Jimin listen to me, you shouldn't stress yourself because of minthe that's what she wants, she wants you to get jealous, she wants to drive you two apart "

"I know but its just frustrating, I get so angry and jealous when I remember that they've had a relationship" Jimin confessed

Taehyung's eyes softened that was Jimin's real problem, he was afraid

Even though yoongi had assured him he still had fear, fear that they would rekindle their relationship or yoongi would cheat on him with her

"Oh Jimin, I understand why you're scared but you have no reason to be. Trust me and yoongi "

Jimin sighed, it's not that he didn't trust yoongi. He trusted him with his whole heart but he was still afraid

"Ok listen to me, I know yoongi shouldn't have made minthe his concubine but he had his reasons"

" Jimin you have to understand that yoongi is over a thousand years old, he was lonely. He already felt that the fates had forgotten him, he thought that he would be alone forever."

"So he and minthe spent the night and he made her his concubine but later he realized that it only made this worse. The hole in his heart was still empty and he was still lonely."

"So he divorced minthe and sent her back to her father's house with great compensation"

Jimin was shocked, he never thought that yoongi would feel that way, Jimin understood how yoongi must have felt like cause he's felt that way too. But yoongi had to cope for years

"Jimin the day yoongi met you was the happiest I've ever seen him, he was smiling and gushing about how adorable you were, and thanking the fates for not forgetting him and I can assure you he never once smiled like that with minthe" Taehyung

" Yoongi was a nervous reck the day he wanted to talk to you, do you want to see " Taehyung said with a sly smile

Jimin nodded as he giggled

They both burst out in laughter see the usually cold man, whining like a little child

"You see Jimin, yoongi has only ever done this for you"

Taehyung smiled softly"do you know that the day yoongi met you he smiled and not just a small smile, a big gummy smile that lasted for hours"

"I haven't seen yoongi smile like that in a long time but he did for you, he loves you so much so don't let that bitch make you insecure"

"That's what she wants, she wants you to doubt yourself and be scared. And you're doing exactly what she wants"

Jimin smiled "you're right, I shouldn't let her affect me so much"

"Soooo now that that's over , do you want to watch more videos of yoongi" Taehyung said with a sly smile

"Of course" Jimin giggled

What are your thoughts?

I was supposed to update earlier but Wattpad deleted more than half of this chapter and I had to rewrite it

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