'Friends I see,' Jin thought and smiled knowingly.

"What are you smiling at? And could you tell me do you have any job 'suitable for a college student' or not?" Taehyung asked getting a little impatient now.

Jin leans back on his leather chair, rocking back and forth while smirking.

"How could you forget the perfect job from our perfect couple? Well, I'm glad you forgot, or else I wouldn't be aware of the things happening in your life."

"Perfect job? Perfect couple? What are you talking about? What did I forget?" Taehyung asked while leaning over the desk thinking of what did he forget.

Seokjin just smirks while playing with the paperweight on his table.


"Hyung where are we going?" Taehyung said for the nth time, looking at Jin in confusion. Seokjin literally drags Taehyung to his car and now they were in Jin's car while Jin is driving, going somewhere.

Jin didn't answer instead, he focuses on his driving.

The car stopped in an open parking lot and they both get off of the car. Taehyung stared at the cafe in front of him while closing the car door. His eyebrows were squeezed together because of the bright sunlight but there was a smile in his face.

"sopes cafe & bar"






"Ho- aish! Where's this lazy ass?! I'm doing the work since morning we opened this damn cafe and all is this hoe doing is whirling his ass around the cafe." Yoongi grumbles under his breath while cleaning the tables.

The sun was setting and it's turning dark outside meaning it's the closing time of the cafe and the opening time of the bar.

Yoongi heard a jingling sound coming from his behind meaning one thing, someone has entered the cafe, "Sorry, it's a close time of the cafe but if you're here for the bar then you have to wait. We're currently setting things, thank you." Yoongi said without looking behind, still busy cleaning the tables.

"Hoseok maybe likes to talk with your ass but I'm not. Show me your face while I'm talking, I want to talk with that thing, not your ass." Seokjin said from behind him with an eye roll.

Yoongi turns around and gave a glare to Jin who's standing lazily their with his arms crossed over his chest.

"Did you just called my face a thing?" Yoongi asked in his deep voice with a grumpy look.

"No shit, I called a thing your face," Jin said with another eye roll.

"It's the same thing."

"So, stop asking questions."


"Hyungs!" Taehyung, who was unseen by Jin's board shoulders the whole time came in between the two men who were most likely going to start an argument.

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