I pinched her cheek, causing it to turn red, and I couldn't help but laugh at her reaction.

Even though I've seen her blush many times, I never get tired of watching it.

Even if she's my rival...

For now, I don't really care about that since the jerk is the enemy we're facing here.

After leaving the cafeteria, I felt a sense of relief, and so did Mina.

Of course, it's obvious that Ms. Lee is curious about us, but she chose not to ask.

As we exited the campus, I heard Ms. Lee heave a sigh, making me glance at Mina.

"The van will pick us up later... since the restaurant is nearby, is it okay if we just walk?" She asked, and we both nodded since it's her treat anyway.

While walking, Ms. Lee couldn't stop talking about herself to keep us from getting bored. Honestly, I really enjoyed it and couldn't believe some of her stories.

She used to be an actress but chose education to teach students, fulfilling her mother's dream who has passed away.

Well, Ms. Lee is so beautiful that it's not really far-fetched for her to be an actress, but here she is, choosing to be a teacher to educate us.

When we arrived at the restaurant, we immediately looked for a vacant seat, and Ms. Lee volunteered to place our orders.

She ordered Kimchi for me, while they both got Gugigui (Korean barbecue).

After Ms. Lee left her seat, I felt an awkward tension, and it seemed like she also felt it because we became unusually quiet in our seats.

To make matters worse, Mina and I were facing each other, so we both chose to avoid eye contact and pretended to be busy with our phones and other things.

It only became lively when Ms. Lee arrived with our food, assisted by the waiter. We expressed our gratitude, since it was her treat.

"I'm sure the exams were tough, but are you both okay?" Ms. Lee started the conversation.

I made eye contact with Mina and then turned my attention to Ms. Lee. "Yes, we're fine," I replied briefly.

She just nodded, but it seems she's not satisfied.

"By the way, I'd like to know about the two of you..." Ms. Lee said as she wiped her mouth with a tissue, looking at both me and Mina.

I looked at her with confusion as I took a bite of my food.

Hayssst... despite her gentle appearance, it's not obvious that she's talkative.

"Since I've shared about myself, is it fair if you're going to tell me about yourselves too?" She said, pointing at us with her index finger.

Is this going to be my usual encounter in a restaurant?

Well, I'm used to it anyway, and besides, it's boring without any noise.

"Come on~ you know that I'm a new teacher at Hankuk University, and I'm happy to have such a wonderful class as my advisory.." she confessed, making my heart smile.

Ma'am, if only you knew how happy we are to have you as our teacher.

"Actually, we're also happy, Ma'am," Mina said with a genuine smile and took a sip of her drink.

"Really?" she asked with excitement in her eyes.

We just nodded and smiled.

She's like a child.

I've never seen this side of Ms. Lee before.

"But you don't want to tell me stories..." she said, and pouted in front of us, making us laugh.

Is it true? Ms. Lee acted cute in front of us, my goodness...

Ma'am is so cute >u<

"U-uhm... it's Myoui's turn first," I immediately said as I cleaned my plate and drank some water.

She widened her eyes and shyly smiled at Ms. Lee, who was looking at her, waiting.

She told us how many years she attended ballet class, and it's still counting, as it has been her dream to perform in front of many people. That's why she continues to train more and more to achieve that.

She's also a gamer, which amazed me... honestly, it's not obvious with her.

Well, it seems I'll not only compete with her in school but also in the world of online games. We'll be battling it out.

"Hmm... but it's cool that you managed to become one of the top students recognized by Hankuk despite those things... how about you, Ms. Y/n?" She asked, turning her head to me and smiling.

"The Ace Student is so mysterious... and in the hallway, girls and boys keep talking to you whenever I pass by." She said while gesturing her hands gently.

What could I share? I can't just say that even though I'm the Ace Student, it's still useless because my parents don't appreciate it.

But I can't say that. My rival is right in front of me, and no one should know my situation except for Dahyun, of course, my childhood best friend.

I simply told them that I enjoy reading and listening to music, allowing me to experience moments of peace in my own world, even if only for a few minutes or hours. I mentioned that I used to be a gamer, but not so much nowadays.

They both gasped, and Mina looked at me with twinkling eyes in amazement, even Ms. Lee.

"Wow... I can't believe that gamers like you exist. In my generation before, almost all gamers were addicted, and instead of studying... well, they ended up cutting classes and just hanging out in gaming shops." She explained to us.

After discussing some things, we immediately went back to school for the closing remarks and awarding ceremony for the Top 3 in the Division Quiz Bee.


"Since all of you are here for the closing remarks and awards, I would like to call the Principal of Konkuk to start the awarding ceremonies... let's give her a round of applause!" The emcee said with her energetic voice, prompting people to applaud as the Principal appeared on stage, standing with her smile and confident posture.

She said some things that were further applauded by everyone, congratulating the students present and also the teachers who were there to support their students.

After a short speech, she called the head teacher and guidance counselor to start the awarding, while the emcee announced the school names from the top 3.

I noticed that Ms. Lee was silent, praying with her eyes closed. As for Mina, she calmly waited for the announcement.

As for me, I don't know... I'm okay.

Be Mine, My Rival || Myoui Mina (English Version)Where stories live. Discover now