
Taehyung's shift for the day finally ended. He works in the Seoul hospital. The same hospital where his boyfriend left his last breath a few months ago.

He left the hospital and was now walking into the park. He thought a walk will help him to refresh his mind and soul. Being a psychologist wasn't easy at all, it's a lot of work.

After his boyfriend's death, Taehyung becomes extremely quite. The job once he loved now became torture for him because he had to hold a fake smile and a happy, confident face all the time. Well, if the psychologist looks so depressed what his patients going to do, right?

The smile, his way of speaking, it's all became too professional for him. Like the professional side of him turn into the real him while in deep down he was losing his true self.

He needs a break but at the same time, he can't. That's how life works.

And that's why after a long day of faking his self, he took a long walk to the Park. It always helps him to get ride of the world around him and finally shows his true emotions, but there wasn't anyone to see the true self that he always hides behind his 'professional self'.

Taehyung noticed that there was a cafe near the park but he never gives a visit to it and since he's craving for some snacks giving a visit to this cafe won't hurt. He went to the cafe and pushed the glass door of the cafe, making a soft jingle sound.

The moment he entered the cafe there was an odd feeling build up in him, you know the feeling you see in the dramas when the main lead walks in and the wind started to blow their hair out of nowhere? get it? No? Okay.

He ignored the odd feeling and took a look at the cafe. The cafe was cozy and a peaceful aroma was there, people talking in a slow and soft voice. By looking at the cafe it seems like the coffee shop was 1960s themed, even there was old music playing in the speaker.

 By looking at the cafe it seems like the coffee shop was 1960s themed, even there was old music playing in the speaker

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Taehyung instantly fell in love with the cafe, he thought why didn't he came here before?

He went to the cashier and order some tea and snacks. He took a table and sit on the wooden chair. After some minutes a waiter came with his order. He took the tea and snacks with a 'thank you' and a polite smile.

He was enjoying his tea with some old song softy playing in the background, but his peaceful moment was interrupted by the sound of loud keyboard smashing.

Taehyung knitted his brows together at the disturbing sound, he looks around and saw a young boy furiously typing on his laptop. The moment he laid his eyes on that boy a song bloom through the speakers making Taehyung snap his head and look towards the speaker. Can't help falling in love, that was the song which was started playing in the speaker, echoing through his ears.

Wise man say
Only fools rush in

He averted his gaze from the speakers to that boy. That boy's eyebrows were knitted together, a disturbing look was present in that pretty face, his naturally small pouty cherry red lips were sealed together. And there was something in those doe eyes. Anger? fear? disappointment? A lot of emotions were hiding in those beautiful Bambi eyes.

But  I can't help
Falling in love with you

Taehyung can't help but stare at that pretty boy. That boy was looking stressed out but still, he was looking so gorgeous. The warm rays of golden sunshine falling over his face making him look more angelic.

Taehyung was mesmerized by the boy's beauty. Staring at that boy feels like something enlightened in him, like the dark self-built up in him from the last six months was breaking away and a new light of hope coming into the view.

After six months those all feelings were so new to him.

His heart was playing tricks with him. The odd sensation that was building up on him, he sure doesn't like it. But Taehyung ignored it, he ignored whatever the hell he was feeling.

After continuously smashing his keyboard the boy let out a frustrated sigh and slightly shoved his laptop out of anger. He was angry but the laptop was pretty expensive so he didn't shove it too hard.

Taehyung took note of the boy's every movement. He was furious, very angry, and annoyed. He was looking like he wants to scream, cry, throw everything was in front of him.

The boy suddenly stood up and shoved his laptop in a backpack and hurriedly walks out of the coffee shop.

Taehyung's eyes were following the boy's every step. The boy walks out of the cafe and stops in front of the closed door. Taehyung examines the boy through the half glass and half wooden door, he was looking like he is on the verge of crying but he was holding it back. And after some minutes of calming himself down, the boy walks away from the cafe.

Shall I stay?
Would it be a sin
If I can't help 
falling in love with you?


It's been one week. One week after Taehyung found out about that amazing coffee shop, one week after he finds about that mysterious boy.

Taehyung visits that cafe every single day and he has seen that boy in that cafe every day too. He would enter the cafe and will instantly spot that boy sitting at the very right corner. Always the same as Taehyung saw him for the first time. Furiously typing on his laptop, looking stressed out, angry, depressed. Every day the same.

Taehyung walks into the coffee shop and his eyes directly fell on the stressed-out boy. But today Taehyung's intention was something else. He can't watch that poor boy like this anymore.

Yeah, Taehyung could've ignored him and enjoy his tea with those old romantic songs, but something about that boy attracts Taehyung to him. Something about the boy makes him want to know about him more and more. Why does he act like this? What was bothering him? Taehyung wants to know. So, he decided to talk to him, and he'll talk to him today...


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