IRL - The Mystery Island and Family Reunion

Start from the beginning

2 days later

emily was sitting on the sofa with tom and sebastian and she was on her phone looking though tiktok, she was also thinking about the island she visited 2 days ago and how much she liked the island, she with her friends visited the island yesterday to look around, get some info about the place and look at all the animals to study them as well to see if any of the animals were like casper, they did find casper's species but none of them didn't know who casper was so emily knows that casper's mum is still out there somewhere even if she didn't really want to look for her as casper seems to be happy with her, ben, mima, sunny and shadow, as emily was thinking of casper, she suddenly remebered about what her grandad told her in her vision
'you should tell your dad, sebastian to start searching for his dad, i have a feeling that it will be your and his next adventure' emily remembers her grandad saying as she looks up from her phone
she then looks over at sebastian who was on his phone texting someone which emily guessed it was either chris evans or anthony mackie as he was laughing happily now and again then she looks down to think as she has her paw on her mouth
"what are you thinking about?" sebastian says as he glances over at emily as he saw her looking at him
"oh! umm...i-i have a silly question, really but umm...ha-have you thought about know, your bio dad? not mark hamill but your real biological dad" emily says lookig both guilty and a little scared as she asked the question as she didn't want to overwhelm sebastian
", not really, i mean i did have my stepdad for a bit but then he died of dementia as you know and then i had you and tom to think about so, it never came to mind, plus, if i did want to look for him, i don't know where to start as my mom didn't really give me any idea or any pictures on who he is or what he looks like" sebastian explains calmly after he thinks about it
"do you want to start looking for him?" tom asks joining in on the conversation as he was curious
"umm...maybe out of curiosity but i don't know where to start" sebastian says shrugging as he was a little curious but it didn't really bother him
"...hmm...*gasp* i know how! brb!" emily says thinking then she lights up as she remembers something that she couldn't believe she forgot
she then disappears as she teleports away then she reappears with a machine in her paws, the machine looked to be a vintage computer but it had some bits and pieces added or removed making it look a little different to a regular vintage computer
"dis! is a dna-pooter, lauren made it a while ago and she told me dat it tracks back people's dna all da way to da stone age! which is silly but funny, anyway, let's try it" emily explains and she turns it on
the computer screen comes on and a little cotton swab comes out of a box at the side of the monitor, the monitor says 'input sample' and emily takes the swab from the box, she then hands the swab to sebastian and shows him what to do put rubbing her paw on the side of her cheeks while having her mouth open, sebastian rubs the swab on the inside of his cheeks and then hands the swab back to emily who puts the swab on the box and pressed the eject button which makes the swab go into the box
'please wait' the monitor says with a hourglass on it rotating about '...done!' it says now finished and it then show the family tree of sebastian
"here you are! deres you, deres dad, deres me! deres your motder and-look, deres your daddy!" emily says happily as she points to the pictures on the monitor
"hmm...daniel stan, interesting" sebastian says and emily clicks on the picture of daniel
daniel looks like a mixture of sebastian if he was in his 60s mixed with someone else and sebastian looked worried seeing the elderly version of himself look back at him
"oh god! i'm going to look like that in 25 years!" sebastian says worried as he drags his hands down his face
"oh! yeah, you're going to look very handsome when you're older and more good looking then your dad" tom says as he scoots closer to sebastian and he smiles cutely at him making sebastian blush as he looks away
"t-thanks" sebastian says nervously and tom smile then gives him a kiss in the cheek
emily almost 'died' of cuteness from how cute her dads were being and she then gets curious about the dna pooter so she clicks off daniel's picture and starts going up the tree, as she was going  up the tree on sebastian's dad's side, she notice something odd about the name, all the men have the last name 'stan' but that's not what's weird, the weird thing is that there was no woman with the last name 'stan' and all the woman were from different families which is common but then when emily's clicks on the picture, it was listed that the woman went missing after giving birth to a son and then the son is then raised by the father, this was going on for generations till it gets to sebastian's dad which made emily curious, she grabs her phone from the sofa and looks up something then she gasps when she figures it out
"what?" sebastian asks as he looks over at emily confused on why she gasps
"you-you're a selameu!" emily says shocked and she can see both sebastian and tom's confused faces "ok, let me explain, a long tiem ago, in romania, dere was dis mythacal creature called a selameu which is a humanoid creature which has similar characteristic of many common creatures, a vampire, a werewolf, a fairy, a elf, a goblin and any other humanoid creature, it had be living for decades but nobody heard of them as they are a secret being that likes to keep themselves private, the selameu's feed on people mainly men and they usually tend to eat the homeless men as dey knew people wouldn't miss dem but unlike creatures like vampires and werewolves, they do also eat peep food so it makes them good at blending in with peeps" emily explains as she reads off her phone as she explains "now, da main ting dat da selameu does is quite dark, on the 18th birthday of the selameu, it will go out, find a young woman around their age who's probably been out drinking so they are a little drunk, get to know dem, take dem to the bed and have a one night stand with dem getting dem pregnant, den 9 months later after the woman has giving birth to the child which is always 100% a boy, the selameu will return, sadly kill the woman and then they will go off to his home to raise deir son themselves, den on the child's 18th birthday, da child will have to eat deir dad as it's part of the selameu ritrial to help keep da selameu species going and den go off to find another woman to impregnate which makes all selameu not live to 40 as dey are usually meant to live up to around 80-100 like a regular hooman but den your dad comes along, he does da first part of da selameu ritrial which is find your mum and conceive you but den doesn't come back to kill her after you were born stopping da ritrial, you den grew up with your mum, moved to america from romania, find dad in the UK, den 'had' me which makes me da first girl of your dad's family tree in forever, move to the UK to be with dad more and den you got married to dad making you and dad the first same sex couple of your dad's family tree" she explains and she then giggles when she was done
"! that's a lot of info" sebastian says after a pause and emily nods seriously
"reah, is it but long story short, you are a selameu that never got the selameu power cuz your dad broke the ritrial" emily says and smiles happily with her tongue sticking out "but you did get your own version of the power thanks to you being the recarnation of quick bolt" she adds remembering that he could fly and kinda use magic as he was more sharing tom's magic
" his dad still around?" tom asks curiosuly as he has a confused head tilt
"umm...let me check" emily says and she goes ion the dna-puter
she goes back to sebastian's dad and clicks on his picture, she then clicks on location and it comes up with a picture and a address on where he lives
"he seems to be living in a old castle at da top of romania which i guess is where all da selameu lived throughout da years" emily says as she looks between tom and sebastian "if you want, i can teleport you there and we can go and see your dad together" she adds calmly and she gives sebastian a reassuring smile
"umm...i'll think about it" sebastian says and emily nods once
"otay, when you've thought about it, tell me" emily says happily and she puts the dna-puter away for later "but now we know seddy's dad and we know that seddy is a harmless selameu, im wondering if dad  have a secret background we don't know about" she adds and she goes to think
"i hope not, i don't want to find out i'm some unknown creature that has the abillity to blow up the world or something" tom says kinda shocked and then looks over at sebastian lim not saying that you are, by the way" he adds not wanted to make sebastian offended
"i know you aren't, it's just a surprise to me that i'm part of a family tree of a weird humanoid creature and at the same time finding out i'm not a full human but more of a half human" sebastian replies and he was looking lost as he thinks
"this doesn't change the fact that i still love you and emily loved you too, you are still you and i will stay with you till the end of the world even after we are dead, you are the love of my life, my best friend and my husband and this doesn't change anything" tom says affectionly and sebastian gave a big smile while blushing hard
"i-i love you too" sebastian says and both him and tom have a kiss
emily 'died' at this point and when the pair pull away, they smile seeing emily laying on the floor with her eyes closed and she twitches her right paw while her tongue was sticking out
"oh no! she dead, we've killed her again" sebastian says amused by emily and tom smiles and nods
"yeah, her cuteness diabetes has killed her again" tom adds and he with sebastian chuckle while looking at emily then at each other
"will you two stop being cute! it murdered me again" emily says as she gets up and pretending to be annoyed "my cuteness diabeetes couldn't handle da cuteness of you two, it was too much, too much!" she adds pretending to complain and then she giggles breaking character
tom and sebastian laugh with her and it was a heartwarming moment with the trio, later at bedtime and in tom and sebastian's room, tom was fast asleep in the bed but sebastian wasn't as he lies in the bed, he looks out at the window which was closed by curtains but there was a gap in the curtains as the full moon shines though the gap in the curtains, he looks at the moon as he thinks about what emily told him about his newly discovered mythacal species and his dad, he still still can't believe that he was a mythscal species to begin with and he can go and see his dad anytime when he was ready and he just needed to go and tell emily, he then signs as he rubs his face then he gets out of bed making sure to not win tom and he goes to emily's room, as he gets to emily's room, he opens the door and sees emily look at her door to see sebastian standing there and she smiles at him
"yes?" emily says happily as she turns down her laptop as jerma was on it
"i uhh...i know this sound silly but, i think i want to see my dad now" sebastian says looking guilty and emily giggles as she flies over to him
"ok but, why now? it's like...almost 11" emily says happily but confused as she checked the time on her phone
"i dunno, i have a feeling that i should go now" sebastian says shrugging not really sure why he wants to go and emily smiles with her tongue sticking out
"ok, let me just-" emily says happily and she uses her magic to change sebastian's clothes from his pyjamas which is just his bottoms to his everyday clothes "there, now we can go, i'm sure dad won't mind that we'll be gone for a while, he's asleep anyway" she adds happily still having her tongue out and she holds out her paw
sebastian smiles at emily as he takes his hand into her paw and then emily teleports her and sebastian away to the castle, when they get to the castle, they see it was still dark as it was about 2 or 3 am in romania and the castle looked like it hadn't been lived in for decades as it didn't look clean, plants were growing around it but there were lights inside so someone was living there
"don't worry, i'm 'ere to keep you company" emily says happily yet a little scared as the scary castle looked a bit intimidating
sebastian smiles as he takes emily into his arms and they both go inside the castle, they walk down the hallway when they get inside the castle and both sebastian and emily saw there were giant portraits of sebastian's anceters and you can tell they were related to him as they had all the same look to sebastian in different ways, the lead up to the final picture which was of sebastian's dad who almost looks like sebastian mixed with mark hamill with the only some differences, the pair then end up in the main hall area where there were candle lit up around to light up the hall as it was big and at the end of the hall was a throne that looked sat in a lot as it was looked worn out, sebastian keep walking over to the throne curiously but then a bang was heard making sebastian jump and hug emily close toy him
"what was that?" emily asks also a little scared as she looks up at sebastian then looks around scared and confused
the banging kept happening as sebastian went closer and closer to the throne and then suddenly a guy jumps out from behind the throne which scared the pair but emily had charged up electricity so she was sparking electricity off her body
"get out my-" the guy says but stops when he looks at sebastian getting confused "...w-who are you?" he asks as he steps out of the shadows a little
"oh umm...i'm sebastian and this is emily" sebastian says shyly and emily looks angry as electricity still sparks off her body
the guy comes into the light and guy looked a lot like the last sebastian mixed with mark hamill picture emily and sebastian saw before they came into the room but his hair was salt and pepper and he had a goatee that was also salt and pepper, the guy goes over to sebastian and he starts to examine him spinning around him making sebastian concerned and worried while emily was looking suspicious, the guy then grabs sebastian's cheeks and both sebastian and emily were a little confused, the guy then steps back and both sebastian and emily watch him still confused
"wh-what was your last name?" the guy asks and sebastian looks at emily then at the guy
"i-it was stan but then i got married and now it's hiddlestan so-" sebastian says and then stops as he sees the guy look at him shocked
"son?'re my son?!" the guy says getting happy tears with emily and sebastian knowing now that the guy was sebastian's dad
sebastian's dad then hugs sebastian happily with happy tears going down his face and emily had to move out the way watching the pair have their hug, after the hug, both sebastian and his dad were crying happy tears but sebastian's happiness turned into curiosity and emily could see it
"so, it's nice to see you again but i want to know something, i was told by emily about this species 'ritrial' but i wanna know...what made you stop doing it?" sebastian asks curiously and sebastian's dad sighs as he goes over to his throne
"i's 2 reasons really, first reason is that i really wanted to just break the cycle as it was dumb just eating my dad at 18 then going off to get a drunk girl pregnant which i did but then when the baby was born, i'll kill the mother and raise the baby on my own, it's a silly ritrial really and i just wanted to break it, second thing was your mother, she was the most beautiful woman i have ever met and i just...being myself to kill her, i just couldn't!" sebastian's dad explains as he sits at the throne and he had his head on his hand
"i know, she was a lovely woman and is the best mom i've ever had, i couldn't replace her for anyone" sebastian says happily and calmly and sebastian's dad smiles at him "i just wish you were there too, it was very empty for me without a father figure present even when i coped and mum doesn't even know who you are as you were a one night lover" he adds looking sad and sebastian's dad looked sad
"yeah...i get it, i didn't know my mom so i didn't have that caring mother figure so i wanted you to grow up with something i couldn't have but in turn, it made you not have a father figure" sebastian's dad says sadly and both sebastian and his dad look sad "anyway, you've found me now after 42 years which was a long wait really but you're here now, so, tell me what happened in all those years?" he adds changing the subject as he jogs over to sebastian and he puts his arms around him happily
sebastian was surprised but then told the story on how he stayed in america for a while but when he was 13, he with his mum went to america where he learnt to talk english, got a high school education and learnt how to act, then during a trio to the UK is where he met tom and they started dating after 6 months of talking long distance though letters, then on september 1996, sebastian and his mum moved to england so he could be closer to tom and then in june 1997 is when they found emily but sebastian changed the story saying that tom gave birth to emily which made sebastian's dad happy
"you had a girl!" sebastian's dad says happily with tears going down his face
"yeah, she's right there" sebastian says smiling and he points to emily who puts on her ring which makes her human "she's 26 now which is still a shock to both me and tom but she's really intelligent like her dad but really nervous and shy like me" he adds happily and emily smiles at him with her tongue sticking out then looks at sebastian's dad who was kneeling down at her as she was short being at 4'8
"hi?" emily says doing a little wave and sebastian's dad smiles and hugs her
"she's so cute! she looks just like you" sebastian's dad says as he pulls away from emily and she smiles at him with her tongue sticking out
"i am! everyone tells me i'm like both dad and seddy even my friends" emily says happily and sebastian's dad smiles at he stands up to go over to sebastian
"she's adorable and she's the first ever girl in our family with makes her extreamly lucky" sebastian's dad says and sebastian nods happily "anyway, what happened after you had her?" he says wanting sebastian to continue the story
sebastian nods and he says after they had emily, they went to do some jobs for a bit to get the money they needed with both his mum and tom's parents helping and then in 20011, both him and tom started acting which they ended up loving even if it was for different roles, emily then started acting in 2004 for lazytown then she got popular on christmas 2005 for doctor who while him and tom were doing odd acting jobs, it wasn't till 2011 when both tom and sebastian got they acting careers popular when they joined marvel with emily also joining marvel to be with tom and all 3 of them became well known and popular actors since marvel
"and since we became popular, we've been invited to parties, awards ceremonies and we have loads of fans that adore us" sebastian says happily and emily nods happily
"reah, we also get loads of fan art and fanfic about us and dey are all coot!"emily says happily and sebastian smirks at her
"that's great, son, i'm so proud of what you've become without my ritrial getting in your way" sebastian's dad says happily and sebastian smiles back at his dad then he looks around the room
"i've notice that you are in the place that's very dark and big, don't you wanna move out and find something smaller?" sebastian says then asks and he gets a sad sigh form his dad
"i want to but i can't, you see, my species is nocturnal and we are usually more active at night plus if i get touched by daylight, i could become a statue, that's what a diary of my times 6 great grandfather wrote down in his diary" sebastian's dad explains worried and both sebastian and emily look at each other concerned
"dat sounds bad but you can still come out at night and we can find you a place dat is always dark like a cave or in a basement somewhere" emily says worried then happily as she has ideas on where they can put her now grandad
"yeah and emily can also help you with technology as she a great tec nerd and she taught me and tom how to use it" sebastian adds also happily and sebastian's dad smiles at the pair
"i-i would that very much but...what about this castle? i can't just leave it, something could happen to it" sebastian's dad says then explains as he gets all worried and emily goes to think
"hmm...oh! i know, follow me!" emily says thinking then lights up happily as she tells the pair to follow her with the hand motion as she starts to run off
both sebastian and his dad follow emily outside if the castle and when the trio were outside, emily uses her magic to change the castle into a luxray home kinda similar to the holiday home emily, tom and sebastian go live at in the summer but the only difference is was the windows being blocked
"dere! a nice morden home for you with sun blocking windows where you can sill look out but da sun will just be a black ball in the sky so the beam doesn't hurt you, also all da stuff dat was in the da castle is still in dere just reorganised into different places" emily explains happily and sebastian smiles at her while his dad looked shocked
"y-you did that?! i love it! how did you do that?!" sebastian's dad says shocked while looking between the house and emily and emily giggles happily
"easy really, it's called magic" emily says happily and she shows off her pink magic in her hand
"wow! magic still exists in this world which is great, let's go in and explore my new house" sebastian's dad says happily and he goes into the house with emily and sebastian following him
sebastian and emily follow sebastian's dad about as he was amazed by his new place and even went to emily for some changes here and there which she does till the house was up to sebastian's dad's liking, the trio spent hours at the house till the sun comes up and it was time for emily and sebastian to go back home as sebastian was worried about tom waking up to nobody being home
"i'll see you soon, then, it was nice meeting you my son" sebastian's dad says happily and calmly to sebastian and the pair  have a hug
"it was nice meeting you too, dad, i'll come back soon so you can meet my husband, tom" sebastian says happily and his dad nods happily
"and emily, my granddaughter, thank you for all this, you are the best granddaughter and my favorite one too!" sebastian's dad says to emily and emily smiles with her tongue sticking out
"aww, it was nothin', i was doing what was best for you...grandad" emily says happily and sebastian's dad gives her a hug
"we see you soon, dad, i love you" sebastian says happily as he takes emily's hand into his and he waves at his dad
"love you too, sebastian" sebastian's dad says happily and lifts his hand up to wave
sebastian's dad waves back then the pair disappear going back home, when they get home, it was 5 in the morning and the pair go to bed feeling exhausted and tired out but smiling happily seeing sebastian's dad for the first time, a few days later and sebastian took tom to see his dad who was happy to see him and tells sebastian he was lucky to have such a polite and handsome husband which made sebastian blush and then the next day, sebastian took his mum to see his dad and sebastian was worried at first thinking it will go wrong but the pair fell in love and started dancing around the room like what they did when they first met back in november of 1981, sebastian smiles seeing his parents back together again and he loves that his parents never hated each other even if his dad abandoned his mum to raise him on her own but there was a reason so sebastian's mum understood, sebastian then when he gets home, starts dancing with tom in the clear night sky and they have a kiss full of love and emily had 'died' again when she saw them kissing in the back garden.
The End

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