Chapter 15

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Elvis's P.O.V (Afternoon)
I slowly press the knife to her skin dragging it down seeing her sweet blood starting to appear.

"STOP!!!" She screamed.
"YOUR HURTING ME!!" She said.
I let her go of her neck and she fells to the floor with a thud.

"DON'T YOU EVER FUCKING DO THAT SHIT AGAIN DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME!!!!!" I yelled causing her to back away from me.
"Yes" she says
"Next time little one I will put a bullet in your head" I say grabbing her face.
"I-I'm s-sorry" she stutters.

I walk out the front door to my car. I call up my friends to help me with a favor.

Sofia's P.O.V
Once he left I slowly got up and started to limp to the bathroom.
"A hot bath sounds amazing right now" I say.

Once I get to the bathroom I turn on the water and add some bubbles and a bath bomb this made me happy not Elvis beating on me all the time. I step in the bath and let my body relax. I closed my eyes and before I knew it I was sleep.

I woke up to hearing talking I sit up in the tube I quickly got out so no one would see me naked I wrap a towel around me and walked into the bedroom when I got there I stood there frozen.

"Hey darling" Elvis says walking up to me
"I love what you did to your eye it's amazing if I don't say so myself" He says touching my face.

That's it!!

Elvis's P.O.V
I was beyond pissed
Once everyone was out I turned to Sofia and slapped her so hard it will leave her bruises there too.

"You think it's ok for you to yell at me in front of the guys" I say grabbing her by her hair.
"Answer me bitch" I say slapping her again

"It wasn't ok" she says pulling the towel up on her body more.
"You don't fucking need that" I say ripping the towel off her.
"On the bed now" I say pointing to the bed

She hurries up and get on the bed.

Sofia's P.O.V( Night)
"Lay down" He says taking off his clothes.
"I don't want this please stop" I say trying to get off the bed.
"Your not going fucking no where" He says as his eyes turned pitch black. This wasn't him.

"Elvis please don't this isn't you" I say trying to shove him off me.

"You don't fucking know me" He says slapping me.

(Rated R - Sexual content)
He pulls my legs apart then slams into me.
"AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!" I screamed sobbing.
"You.Will.Respect.Me" He says with every thrust getting harder,rougher,painful.

"Stop please you're hurting me!!!!" I say crying uncontrollably.

"You like this baby because I do" He says going faster and giving me sloppy kisses everywhere.

"I said do you like it" He says grabbing my face.
"Y-yes" I say not wanting to say no
"Your lying you don't like it" He says pounding me much harder causing me to scream in pain.

"Please stop"I say trying to get him off me.

"No" He says pounding into me.
He says falling down beside me. I try to get up but he pulls me back down.

"Where do you think you're going?" He says holding onto me.

"Let me go please" I say crying.

"Shut up and go to sleep" He says.
I woke up with a pounding headache. I look around and see Elvis still sleeping I look down seeing him naked and me naked as well.

I try to get up to go to the bathroom.
"I need to go pee please let me go" I say.
He groans and let me go. I look outside and still dark. I sigh and walk to the dresser and get one of Elvis shirts and go to the bathroom to take shower.

Elvis and me Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin