Chapter 13

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Elvis's P.O.V (Night)
Sofia got what's coming for her and everyone on that plane knew it.

"Why is everyone looking so sad" she whispered.
"Because they are sad to leave us alone" I said back.
"Why? they see us all the time" she says.
"You will find out why later" I say.
"Ok" she says looking out the window.

(Super late at night)
We got off the plane and went to the car and drove to the cabin
"Where are we going" Sofia whispers.
"Somewhere special" I say.
"Ok" she say.

(1 hour later)
I pulled into the driveway and parked I got out and walked to Sofia's side of the car and pulled her out.

"I don't want to be here" she says trying to get back in the car.
"Stop Sofia" I say.
"Fuck you I don't want to be here I want to go I wish you left me alone" she yells.

I yanked her out of the car. Shoving her in the house.
"I hate you" she says backing away from me.
"To late little one" I say walking towards her.

"Before anything happens I want to ask a few questions and depending on your answer I will choose if you deserve a hard punishment or a light one understand" I say.
She nodded
"Words Sofia" I say.
"Yes sir" she says.
"Go sit on the couch and lets begin" I say.

Sofia's P.O.V (still night)
"Go sit on the couch and let's begin" He says.
I walk to the couch and sit down.
"Ok first question" He say.
"Why did you escape again?" He ask.

"I wanted to get away from you I felt trapped and felt like a prisoner in our own home I love you so much I do but if your just going to beat me why don't you just kill me instead it will save us both the time and pain" she says as tears slowly fall from her eyes.

"Ok next question" He says.
"Do you still cut?" He ask.
"Yes" I say.
"Last question" He says.
"Do you truly love me?" He ask.
I look at him
"What kind of question is that" I say.
"Answer the damn question" He says.
"Yes I do love you" I say.
"Good girl" He say.

"Go to the bedroom now" he says
I get out and walk to the bedroom
"Strip into your bra and underwear than get on the bed and lay on your back" He say.
I do as he says and strip once I lay on the bed he comes over and cuff my ankles and wrists to the bed.
"What are you doing" I ask.
He ignores me
"Elvis" I say louder
"SHUT UP DAMN IT" He yelled.

Elvis's P.O.V (Super late at night)
"SHUT UP DAMN IT" I yelled.
I'm going to teach her a lesson I know she will hate me but I don't care she ran away from me again she's getting what's  coming to her.

I handcuff her ankles and wrists to the bed.

"I want you to stay quiet if I hear one sound come out of your mouth I will be a lot worse do you understand me" I says

"Yes sir" She says.

I walk out of the bedroom leaving her there. I grabbed my keys and walked out the door to my car and drove home.

(1 hour later)
I parked, got out then walked inside to see my parents looking worried.

"Where's Sofia" My mama said.
"She is fine mama" I say.
"Elvis where is she" Daddy said.
"At the cabin" I say.
"All by herself" Mama says.
"She's fine I'm going to bed" I say giving my mama a kiss on the cheek and walking upstairs to my room.

I pull out my computer and logged in and saw Sofia on the screen she looked so sexy laying there cuffed.

"Elvis" I hear her whisper.
"Elvis please let me go" she say whimpering a little.
"Please Elvis I'm sorry" she say full on crying right now.

I told her to not fucking say a word. I jump out of bed and grab my keys and walk to outside to my car and drove back to the cabin.

(1 hour later)
I reach the cabin and go inside.

"I told you to shut the fuck up sof" I say slapping her and pulling her hair.
"I'm sorry I didn't know you left" she says.
"Shut up" I say punching her in my stomach.

She groans not being able to move.

I uncuff her ankles and wrists and shove her on the floor. She tries to get up but failed. I walk over to her and pull her hair til we make it to the kitchen I pick up her and sit her down then tied her arms behind the chair.

I put a pot of water on the stove. I turned around and see her staring at me with fear she might make it though the night she might not. Once the water was boiling I took it off the stove and poured some in a cup and walk over to Sofia. I sit the cup on the table and pull up a chair.

"Do you know how to be quiet?" I say picking up the cup.
I being to hear her breathing began to get heavy she trying to move but failed I pulled her closer to me. She keeps looking at the cup of boiling water.

"Do you know how to be quiet hm?" I say.
"ANSWER ME!" I yell.
"Yes" she whisper.
"WHAT!" I yell.
"Yes" she says a bit louder.

"I TOLD YOU TO SHUT THE FUCK UP" I yell at her dumping the boiling water on her.
"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!" she screams.
"Shut up since you can't listen" I say getting up being the pot over to her and dumping it all over her.
"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!" She screams louder.
I untie her and push her on the wet ground.

Sofia's P.O.V (Super late at night)
"S-stop" I say trying to breathe.
"You still haven't learned your lesson" He yells kicking me harder and harder.

I being to grasp for air, trying to get away from him. I being to crawl he pulls me by my hair turned me around and started punching me in my face. I felt like dying right there on the floor.

"Hopefully you will start listening to me
Darling" He says kicking me one last time

I being going in and out of consciousness for what left like forever of me laying on the kitchen floor covered in blood.

I being to slowly turn over hoping Elvis left. I being to crawl to the bathroom my body was in so much pain I couldn't barely move.

I make it to the bathroom and try to turn on the water for a bath then everything went black.

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