"Kevin" Taehyung hold middle of the stairs looking at the boy. He is shocked to see Kevin here. "They going to take their Jungwoo right. What is Kevin doing here. Is Kevin is Jungwoo.? What the actual hell was happening" Taehyung thought to himself.

"You! Mr. doctor What are you doing here? I don't even like you!" Kevin said directly. 

"I should have asked you the same thing kid, what are you doing here?" Taehyung said coldly. 

"He is our Jungwoo, Taehyung. Do you know him before?" Jin asked. After few moments of processing Taehyung nodded. 

"Jungwoo-ya " Taehyung asked in his comforting tone descending the stairs.

"Stop fucking calling me that, I'm Kevin" He retorted. He can't figure out what is happening. Jimin and Taehyung gasped at the tone of the boy. 

"Okay, Okay You are Kevin alright now" Suga said. Taehyung is staring at Kevin. Kevin again look at Taehyung and asked, "You are Jungkook's brother right?" Taehyung nodded slightly.

"Don't tell me that annoying little baby is my brother too" Kevin nearly shouted. Jin and Suga is confused. They don't have any idea how Taehyung get to know Kevin.

"He is not annoying" Taehyung said. "Oh! really. But I'm seeing him as that any problem?" Kevin asked sarcastically. 

"He is your brother too, don't talk to him like that" Taehyung said.

"Is this even real? How the fuck he and you be my brothers? This is crazy! FUCK" Kevin muttered. 

"Take it easy baby" Jin assured. "Take it easy! ARE YOU TELLI--" He got cut off in the middle and backed away suddenly. Jin back facing the door turn to see Namjoon and Hobi is here. 

"Kevin!" Hobi exclaimed. Kevin didn't utter a word. He continue look at both who came inside the house. 

"They are your brothers Kevin" Suga said to the confused boy. Kevin laughed in disbelief. "He is the fucking Principal and fucking maths professor, Are you telling me they are my brothers! You might be sick. But I'm completely fine ok! This is some sick dream, I have to fucking wake up. Wake up Kevin come on. This can't be real. Fucking hell. How can this even happen? " Kevin start to pinch his arms harder.

"Don't do that, It's not a dream. It's real" Jimin said seeing how Kevin hurting himself. Kevin glanced at all of them once and look down. He can't believe anything. How can some one suddenly said his principal and scary professor is his brothers. How can even this possible. (It's better because it's story. I also can't believe this, I'll die if my teachers are my brothers) 

"Are you going to tell me my mom and dad are president and his lady of Republic of Korea next? Don't worry I'm going to believe that. This is way more than a fucking dream, no it's a nightmare" Kevin muttered. All the brothers chuckled. But Hobi and Jimin start laughing. 

"Luckily, they are not" Suga said laughing a little. "Better" Kevin nodded. 

"Where have you been all the time baby, You know we missed you so much" Hobi said and trying to hug Kevin.

"Hobi Hyung, he is not a fan of hugs" Jimin said to prevent the upcoming chaos. "Is it so?, we missed you so much, how about you baby? Don't you miss us?" Hobi asked.

"I fucking don't remember any of you. I'm telling this is a mistake, Just send me to an orphanage" Kevin said.

"You can't remember anything? That's weird. Not any slightest memory. Jungkook remembers you" Namjoon said.

"I'm not sir! That's why I'm telling this is a mistake" Kevin said.

"It's ok Kevin, we can talk later. This is lot and you need time. Can you guys guide him to his room.?" Jin said glancing at Jimin and Taehyung. 

"Time and room nice, just nice " Kevin mocked.

"Kevin, go and relax a bit okay, then we can talk" Namjoon tried. Kevin rolled his eyes and maintain is guarded demeanor. 

"Do as say Kevin, Don't make it hard for yourself. You must be exhausted and stop pinching yourself." Suga said sternly. Kevin didn't said anything but stop pinching his hand. Yoongi is correct. He actually needs some time and rest.

"Come with me Kevin. I'll show your room" Taehyung said.

"Where is your bags? I'll carry them for you" Jimin said. Kevin look at Jimin and look down. "It's this--" Kevin got cut off by Jin, "He has his backpack only" 

"Ah?" Jimin said and Taehyung look at Jin. Jin nodded to the two boys. They understand it.

"Come on let's go" Jimin said. Kevin start to follow him. He feel so small. He don't even understand anything. Everything is so complex. His little head is hurting a lot. Lot of things happen in two days. He follow his newly found brothers. 

Suddenly the pain that died start to come again. He hold his stomach and hardly stop himself from whimpering. They are in a long corridor with four rooms each side. He glanced at the surrounding. They stop at the one last room in the corridor. Jimin opened the door,

"This is yours, We both have little time making it. If you don't like we can change it" Jimin said.

Kevin entered inside the room, it's bright. most of the things are near to white color. He gasped. How can something be so beautiful. not in his ninth sense he thought that he got this type of room in his life time. He look at the room without even blinking, "Fuck" He mumbled in absolute shock.

"Jungkook like back, you like white when you are small. I thought to make it white therefore. How's that?" Taehyung asked.

"It's nice. I like it" Kevin said. He love the room. "It can be turned out good right" 

"We'll leave you alone for now, I'll get you something until dinner in your room"  Jimin said and leave with Taehyung closing the door. 

Kevin stood their stunned at the room's beauty, until sharp pain ran across his wound. "Ouch, It's hurting a lot" he mumbled. He sit on the bed. He immersed to the comfort of the bed. He don't know how much time he lay there blankly. He is tired if thinking about what is happening with him.

to be continue

I had been watching Death's game recently. It's a good one. I got late to update due to that. Did you guys watch it? Do you guys like it?

Today I thought to update twice because I already finished writing it. If you have ideas for upcoming chapters, let me know.  Bye and Thank you! 

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