Shall we ?

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"He let you go ?", Off asked.

"Yeah ", Gun said.

"Why ?", Off asked.

"Why did you want him to expel me?", Gun teased.

"It's not like that ",  Off said as he looked at Gun.

" He knows his brother was involved in this as well. For the sake of family he let me go , but maybe that's not all the reason ", Gun said.

"What other reason is there ?", Off asked.

Maybe he understood me and wanted me to be free from my past. Gun thought

"Don't know , just felt like there was one ", Gun said as he looked at Off with a light smile.

Off smiled back and hugged Gun tightly , he had been honest with his feelings and even Gun reciprocated them. Things were fine.


"Prof , can I turn in my assignment late ?", Gun teasingly said as he saw First walk towards the class.

"One less mark per hour ", First replied as Gun laughed and submitted his assignment.

You seem happy , happier than before. You have nothing to hide now, you are secure in your realtionship and your life. Gun thought as he walked back to his place.

As the bell rings the students scurry outside. Gun sees Chimon waiting for them along with Perth.

"Sorry he insisted on coming along ", Chimon said as Perth glared at Gun.

"That's fine , Atleast I know I am keeping him on his toes. Don't want my bestie's heart to break ", Gun said as Chimon laughed and put his hand around Gun's shoulder.

The glares increased but the duo ignored it as they walked to the canteen. The bullying had reduced significantly. Gold was now purely known for their marks now and not for their bullying.


Let's go on a date today


I'll meet you after school then
Bye love you

Best of luck for your test
Love you too

"Who are you texting ", Dunk's voice came as Gun hid his phone.

Both the boys laughed.

"Never gets old ", Dunk said.

"Forget that , what is going on between you and Joong , I heard people have seen quite hot scenes from both of you ", Gun said.

"Well , he is showing a change so I am giving him a chance ", Dunk said.

"That's my boy ", Gun said as the duo ate lunch together along with Perth and Chimon.

Joong comes in later as he takes his place beside Dunk. Flirting with Dunk time to time as the others laugh at the puppy love in between the duo.

As the college comes to an end , Gun comes across James.

"Sir, thank you for the advice for the extra credit. It worked well", Gun said.

"Glad it did, you can ask further advice as well. Also , a bit of an insider , everyone in the law department believes you will top this year , keep it up ", James whisepred to Gun as he walked away.

You seem fine as well. You are a good person James , never change yourself. Gun thought as he walked towards the gate as he felt an arm around his shoulder.

He looks to his left to see Fourth.

"Hey boss ", Fourth whispered.

"Not your boss anymore ", Gun playfully said.

"You will always be my boss , so what's the plan for today ? Wanna grab an ice cream ?", Fourth asked.

"Nah , I have a date planned with Off", Gun said.

"You both are so in love ", Fourth said .

" Fourth !", a voice called out.

"I think you also have some prior plans ", Gun whispered in Fourth's ear as they saw Gemini walking towards them.

Fourth smiled ear to ear , as he bids Gun a goodbye and walks with his boyfriend. Gun then exits to see Off waiting for him.

"Shall we ?", Off asked.

"Sure ", Gun replied with a smile.


(Author's note - I hope you all enjoyed the story. I had a great time writing it , please feel free to give critism , I appreciate it. Stay tuned for the coming stories. Love you all ❣️)

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