I killed them

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The sounds of loud laughing , mocking him as he lay on the ground breathless and tired. He looked up with teary eyes seeing himself surrounded by bullies that seemed to be absolutely inhumane.

He tries to get out but one of his bullies kick him and then he was back to square one. Him lying on his back while one of the boys pulled down his pant and put a sex toy in his hole to torutre him. The laughter evolved as the boy moaned and begged them to stop, eventually cumming.

They video tape it as normal and increase the speed of the toy laughing more. The boy with great disgust puts his hand in and pulls out the toy finally giving him relief from the torture. The guys just continue to laugh.

"He is squirting , such a slut ", one of them said.

That was it. The boy had heard and experienced enough to hold it in anymore.

He knew he would have long killed himself if it wasn't for the people he loved but he couldn't live like that anymore. No one helped him either , everyone just turned their back on him. He had nothing to be afraid of.

Slash !

The laughter was shut and the swift sound made everyone's eyes widen. A thin but deep stroke in the main guy's neck left everyone in shock. The stroke redens as blood comes out making the guy drop to the ground.

"Are you crazy ", The other bully says as the victim gets on his feet pulling his clothes together and looking at the concerned group.

"You will suffer for this ", One of them said.

"Who will tell them that I did it ?", the victim said as he shows the pocket knife in his hands.

Without waiting he stabs another one of them multiple times. The last two were standing in absolute fear.

"Hey we are sorry , leave us. We won't tell anyone ", the guy said.

"I know , I'll make sure you won't be able to say anything ", The boy said as he finished of the last two as well.

After they all lay on the ground bleeding to death. He looked at their figures.

It's all over. The boy thought as he heard sounds coming from outside the warehouse where he was being bullied.

He stabs himself few times in less vital spots and holds the knife in his stomach as the warehouse door opens and multiple workers come in horrified to see 5 boys all injured.

"Please help me !!! Save me !!", the boy yells.

The men run to him. Few check the pulses of the others but they were all dead. The men bring the young boy to the hospital immediately and also call the police.

The police are horrified by the scene. Crime against children was heartbreaking to them.
It wasn't much helpful that there was no camera in the warehouse or around the region as well.

As expected they question the boy with care and sensitivity.

"What happened ?", the officer asked.

"Few men , I don't know what they were doing there. Came in and saw us. Jim , the one that got slashed in the throat was a cocky one. He steps up and tells them to leave, saying he would complain to his father about them and that if they don't obey him he would strip them naked and torutre them. The guys leader I am assuming didn't like it and slashed his throat. We all got scared , Yem , the one that got stabbed badly , he also got upset and said he would ruin them , but they killed him as well. The rest of them were scared now. The other two started to say sorry while I was frozen in my place. They killed them as well. Then they came to me , but thankfully the warehouse men were there to help me ", The boy said with tears in his eyes.

"Must have been hard for you , what were you doing in the warehouse though", the officer asked.

The boy looked at the man dead in the eye. Not saying anything and keeping suspense for a long time before saying ,

"Arrest me , I killed them ."

The officers were confused. The boy bursts into tears and said ,

"They bullied me so much , I was wishing so hard that they all die and then suddenly all those men came and killed them. I .... I ....."

The officers felt pity. They confirmed that there were signs of abuse on the boy so it was really saddening for them.

"It's ok, eveyhting is alright. Try to keep safe now. I don't think I caught your name though champ ", The officer said to cheer up the boy.

" My name is Gun , Gun Atthaphan Phunsawat", the boy said as the officers nodded and let him go.

As Gun walked out the police station and looked at the blue sky. He felt something he had never felt before , power and freedom.

"I can really get away with anything , can't l", He said to himself as he walked from the station back to his house in the slums where his sick mom awaited him.

He walks in tired of the whole mess just to find his house totally wrecked from inside. His mother was on the floor looking pretty much dead. Gun panicked as he picked her up and checked her pulse , it was falling.

He looks at the fallen pieces of glass on the floor and his eyes widened. Knowing exactly what was happening there.


Tring Tring !

On call

Gun  - Hello

Officer - Gun , I don't know how to tell you this...

Gun - Just go ahead officer , my mom is in the hospital , nothing worse can happen than that.

Officer - Your father was found dead in Yin Street. We checked him , he seems to be having a dark background. Has he ever abused you or your mother ?

Gun - She wouldn't be in the hospital if he didn't

Officer - He seemed to have been too drunk and accidently gotten hit by the car or something. It's a hit and run case , we will do our best to -

Gun - Don't officer , he met his karma in the end , you should focus on other cases. Just consider what happened to him a bad turn of events. Now please excuse me , I have a lot on my plate. Thank you for your help.

The call cuts as small giggles appear on Gun's face. He looks at his hand , the very hand that had just murder about 5 people in a day. He felt the sense of pride in himself , finally getting rid of unwanted junk from his life.

"I should have killed you all a long time ago", Gun said to himself as the doctor walks out with a concerned face. Gun immediately goes to him with tension on him.

"What happened Doc", Gun asked.

"She is alive but still in critical state. We can't let her out of the hospital for now. To be honest , she is just on life support right now. Usually when such things happen we tell the patient to just let a loved one go but I would want you to think about it cause she might make it", the doctor said.

"Ofc she'll make it , she has to. Doc , no matter how much it costs , she will make it through this. I know she will", Gun said as the doctor gave Gun a concerned face.

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