My role

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"You know mom how you always swore you would kill dad after he used to beat me up. In the end when you tried to he made you end up like this. Good thing I am different from you , I can kill people ", Gun said as he sat next to his mother.

Gun was fumming from within. All his hardwork and here Off was using it to his advantage. Gun was already thinking of all the ways he could kill Off by now. He wanted him gone from the world , never to disturb his plans again.

There was a knock on the door. The nurse had come for her work. Gun excused himself and left. Coming out of the hospital he walked a few steps before he halted. He saw James and Net walking arm in arm.

"Right , they are together as well ", Gun said to himself as he followed them.

They both had gone to a restaurant where they pretty much had a date which ended with ice cream and a cold sweet kiss.

Gun takes out his phone and texts on the group.


A request to you all , please reveal if you like someone , are dating someone or if someone is showing interest in you. Don't worry this isn't to harm them in any way , I just feel it's better for me to be informed about it.

Gun then switches to his other phone and texts as Gun.

Off from medical seems to be after me
I am not interested in him though.

"Who are you texting ?", Dunk's voice came.

Gun panicked as he kept his phone inside.

"You need to stop doing that ", Gun said.

"I will if you tell me what you do on that phone ", Dunk said.

"Yeah , no ", Gun said as he was gonna walk away.

"So why were you stalking the counsellors ?", Dunk asked.

Great he had been following me. Gun thought as he looked back.

"Why are you stalking me ?", Gun remarked.

"Because I wanted to ", Dunk said.

"Well I have the same reasoning ", Gun said.

"Hey how about this , let's me transparent with each other , tell me your darkest secret you have hidden and I'll tell you mine ", Dunk said.

"Why risk so much ?", Gun asked.

"I am surprised you didn't question if I would be truthful or not ", Dunk said.

"I don't need to question that , you don't really lie from what I have seen", Gun said as Dunk's smile went away for a moment.

"You are the only one who ever noticed , so who goes first. No backouts though ", Dunk said.

"I'll do it. I was bullied and assaulted by a bunch of kids from my school 5 years ago. I secretly got to know about a group of serial killers that were active during that time ", Gun slowly made a story while adding few truths from his past.

"You mean Smile ? The gang that got caught 5 years ago ", Dunk asked.

"Yeah them , they had their headquarters in the godown , so while running from the bullies I purposely ran there so that they all would be killed along with me. I didn't expect to survive though , truly a shocker for me. The cops saved me , after like 14 hours I got home and it was a mess. My father had beaten up my mother who has a condition and I had to call the hospital. My father went out to buy himself liquor and got in a car accident but I didn't sue the driver or kept a funeral cause he had been making my life hell. Recently the alcohol the kids had. I bought it , well more like they bullied me into buying it for them. I'm sorry for the trouble , I didn't expect for them to get caught ", Gun said as he started to get teary. Dunk looked to the ground.

He was satisfied from within , he had a feeling that Gun had something to do with the whole alcohol case and he was right. Little did he know that the person infront of him was lying. Gun is impressed with his acting now that he was able to convince Dunk that he was speaking the truth. 

"Your turn",Gun says.

Dunk takes a deep breath before he starts his story,

"Well you know this much that I am from a rich family. Well my family was close to Joong's family as well. So my whole childhood he had been around me, slowly i started to have feelings for him. As we got to middle and high school we met Off ,Off was a quiet kid and Joong used it to his advantage. He made Off his personal servent, Off did everything we wanted. By that time I pretty much acted as if me and Joong were already together. Then one day Off snapped and put some sense in me. Obviously i was shocked when Joong said we had nothing between us not even friendship. The twist was if I left Joong's side he lost alot of power as well so he slept with me and slowly i suddenly became his slut. It was near the ending of school when Off and I got closer and I finally got free of Joong. Now he says he has had a change of heart but I don't really believe him." Dunk finished his story.

So that is what's going on between those two interesting. Gun thought.


"So what's my role what's the inspiration of this startup", Off asked with enthusiasm.

Gun and Off were at the back of the college so that Gun could officially help Off join in his gang.

"Everyone has their own reason of doing this besides no one knows I am behind it except you", Gun said.

Off smirked.

"I like the sound of that, so explain what is all this. Why sell all this stuff especially into a place which is so strict about these things", Off said .

"It's a business, it's not just alcohol i offer there is much more, gambling, prostitutes, exam papers, everything which is strictly forbidden here", Gun said.

"You sure have good guts to pull off something like", Off said.

"This doesn't need guts only a strong motive", Gun remarked.

" So what is your motive", Off asked.

"Money of course, there is no better motive than that", Gun said.

"What's my role?", Off asked.

" Well there are three people working for me currently, we have James ", Gun said.

"The counselor, wasn't he from the law and stuff ,damn he is actually doing these kinds of things! Who would have known", Off said.

"Then there is First ", Gun said.

" The law professor!!! How in the world you hired these guys", Off exclaimed.

"Lastly, Fourth ", Gun said and Off's jaw dropped on the floor.

"Joong's brother, Gun i knew I would never regret going after you. I have true grudges for that guy, to think that his own brother doing such stuff, i am over the moon", Off said.

" Currently I have been pretending to be a member of this business as well, i handle the gambling part so now you will handle it but as me. No one is going to know you are involved in this", Gun said.

"Totally cool with it, but I have a major question, there has to be something other than money that made you do this", Off said.

" Actually there is, I killed someone", Gun said with a sharp expression.

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