You what !!

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The doctors rush inside the room as Gun panics more.

"What happened ?", Gun asked.

"The patient seems to have suddenly gone in a critical condition, please step out while we try to handle this", the doctor said as Gun was sent out.

Gun fell to his knees as he waited outside. The doctors came out after 2 hours.

"How is she?", Gun asked immediately.

"I'm sorry Gun she couldn't survive. We tried our best but it seems one of her life equipments broke, she slowly lost her life, we were too late", the doctors said.

Dunk, you couldn't have. I am going to kill you!!! Gun said in his mind.

"Please let her rest in peace, give me a few more days and I'll prepare for the funeral ", Gun said.

"Don't worry about that all, take all the time you want", the doctors said as Gun walked away. Tears falling down his eyes.

All his efforts all of them seemed useless. He lived his life such that his mother could have the best life when she wakes up but now she will never wake up again. Gun could never hear her voice, he couldn't tell her that she had nothing to fear, they could live their happily ever after but it was all ruined now.

Gun walks to the dorms as he barged into the college premises. Dunk was in the music room. Gun knew he would find him there. Dunk was surprised to see Gun there in that condition.

"What are you doing here?", Dunk asked.

Gun smirks with his teary eyes as Dunk feels a shiver down his spine. Gun walks up to Dunk throwing away the guitar in his hand.

"Have you gone mad?", Dunk exclaimed as Gun held his collar and punched him.

"I get you were angry at me for lying", Gun remarked as he punched Dunk again.

"But what did my mother do !!!!! ", Gun yelled as he kicked Dunk to the floor and got on top of him.

"Why did you kill her?", Gun said in a cracking voice while throwing a punch which Dunk held.

"What are you talking about?", Dunk asked.

"Don't play with me, she has been there for years none of the nurses would do such a thing only you could have tried to kill her and you even had a motive", Gun said.

"I didn't kill her!! I was only there to threaten you. But wait a minute your mother died?", Dunk exclaimed.

"What did you do when you went in the room", Gun said.

"I was waiting for you, though I - ", Dunk stopped mid sentence.

"You what!!", Gun yelled.

"I tripped on some of the equipment there", Dunk said slowly.

Gun's eyes seemed to lose all their light as he threw another hard punch right at Dunk's face.

He then gets off of Dunk and runs back to the hospital to check the CCTV. Since Gun was well known they let him and it was indeed true. Dunk seemed to have tripped on the equipment and it broke.

So that's what killed my mother a pathetic mistake. She suffered for so long, feeling her life draining away slowly cause someone couldn't keep their balance. Gun thought. He was furious.


First was having a conversation with Khao as James enters the room.

"Can I talk to you Mr. First ", James asked.

First got up and said ,

"If it's about Boss you can say it in front of the both of us , Khao already knows about it. Actually I forgot to tell you guys that I am dating Khao ."

"You what? You just shared the business with a stranger?", James said in astonishment.

"He isn't a stranger but my boyfriend now. I am also leaving buisness soon. I already talked to boss about it. I appreciate everything he did from the bottom off my heart but you see, I feel it's time to start a normal life", First said.

James scoffs.

"Is that all the loyalty you had for the boss after everything he did for us?", James said with painful eyes.

"James it is not like that but we have to move on in life", First said.

"Seems like you really moved on then. You moved on from everything, the moments where we all wondered on who the boss was, when we shared our stories, when the boss congratulated us and gave us presents for our work. You moved on from everything for someone you loved. It's weird though, I am dating as well now but I can't leave all of that for the world, guess it just didn't mean that much for you", James said as he left the room.

First tried to stop him and explain himself but James was long gone.

James ran straight to Fourth who had a simillar reaction to the situation.


Boss is it that easy to just leave like this ?

James don't make this such a big deal.

Don't fucking use my real name !

Random,  we know you are going to leave the group but please abide by the rules till you are here

You guys are acting like little kids

Everyone stop fighting

Boss but , how can we not say anything

The business is closing for good

What ?

Why ? What happened ? Is it cause of Random

I only asked to leave , I didnt tell you to close the business.

This has nothing to do with Random it is my own decision.

But why ? What happened so suddenly ?

Maybe the boss also wants to live a normal life

I would appreciate it if you don't put words in my mouth. This has nothing to do with the future but it involves the past.
I have lost it , the reason to do all this , I have lost it. Don't worry I have researched all of you.  
First , tomorrow on the main news channel there would we a live broadcast about old cases from which your name would be permanently cleared. All those that wronged you would be arrested and sent to prison.
Fourth, I am sorry to tell you this but your parents have died already. I know you would be distressed and angered but you should remember one thing. The family you hate so much actually really care for you. It won't be bad to give them a chance. But before you do that, all the money you owe them would be transferred to you.
Finally James, you found love , you found a job and now it's time to find a new purpose. Don't live for others live for yourself. I wanna see you become more suscceful as years go by.

Boss don't do this !

Yes boss , I would rather work for you than get the money

I agree boss , you should go on with everything. I know I have left and I don't have much say in this but still...

Well last but not the least , I would be watching all of you guys , so maybe we all could live more honestly from now on.
Thank you so much for staying with me till now I really appreciate it .

[This chat group has been terminated ]

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