You lied

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You already know about the Khao situation sir , other than him no one bothered me.

Ummm, I think I have a crush on Gemini

Ooohhh , our little one has a lover

Oh come on , we aren't dating yet

Keyword : ✨ Yet  ✨

Oh come on stop it !!! What about you Public ?

Ummm, I am dating Net.

The counsellor !!!!

Yeah yeah , the counsellor 💅

When's the wedding ?

Who's the bride ?

Bride ?

It's a polite way of asking who is top and who is bottom.

In the case I am the bride

OMG !!!

"I am not getting fooled this time ", Gun said as he closed his phone and put it in his pocket looking up at Dunk.

"Oh come on you should play along with our iconic greeting system", Dunk said.

"Yeah not interested ", Gun said as the duo walked towards the college.

Gun realised that though he planned for only one person to be his friend , he found quite a lot of friends.

As the two chatted on random topics a loud sound came as a car headed right towards them. Gun totally froze looking at the car as Dunk tried to grab him and pulled him to the side. The driver was aware of what he was doing though as he stopped right before it could have hit them.

Gun was panting.

"Hey you okay ?", Dunk said as he comforted Gun. Gun just nodded.

"You really roaming around with such a pussy", Joong's voice came as he got out of the car.

"Ok that's so not cool , you shouldn't be doing stuff like that , what if he got hurt ", Dunk defended Gun.

"Well he didn't ", Joong said cockily.

"Whatever , just leave us alone ", Dunk said as he left with Gun.

After walking away from the place Dunk speaks up again,

"What happened back there ? You aren't really the type to just freeze in a situation."

"My father died the same way , Joong was driving the same car that hit him as well. It looked so real that it scared me ", Gun said.

"Don't worry about it , Joong is just scaring you to bother you , don't let him get to you ", Dunk said as he left for his class while Gun went for his.

Before heading to class , Dunk paid a visit to Joong, there was no way he was going to let Joong of the hook for something like that.

"Oh what are you doing here?", Joong asked in a sarcastic tone as he saw Dunk infront of him.

"He has trauma because of you now, why would you try and hit him with your car. Wasnt hitting one person enough?", Dunk said.

"Oh come on you know that wasn't my fault. That drunkard just came out of nowhere actually someone pushed him there didn't they. Anyway whatever the case it wasn't my fault and why bring that up now , that was 5 years ago ", Joong yelled.

Dunk paused as he recalled the night they were talking about. Joong and Dunk were in Joong's car. Both didn't have a license but they were still on the road being rebellious that's when a man suddenly dropped in front of them. It was a drunk man they could tell and from the side of his eye Joong saw someone run from there.

"Someone pushed him", Joong said.

Dunk looked in that direction but all he saw was a small motion of someone running.
Not wanting to be involved the duo leaves the place immediately.

There is no way. Dunk thought.

Everything started to flash before his eyes. Those kids that bullied Gun and got stabbed , the Ferrari symbol with the stabbed horse on the alcohol bottles.

So you lied Gun. I guess we are gonna play games your way then. Dunk thought.


"How was your class?", Khao's voice came as First flinched.

He looked up surprised to see Khao there.

" Good morning sir", First said remaining his composure.

"It's fine if you are scared to see me again. Your boss really gave me something to remember. I still have some pain from the scars he gave me", Khao said.

"What do you want ?", First asked.

"Nothing First, I don't want anything. Well I guess except for some love from you. I hope you realise that I couldn't care less about any of the stuff you are doing , I was just trying to get your attention ", Khao said.

"Really you have no problem with what I do ?", First questioned.

"Well obviously I am bothered by the fact that you may get caught but other than that , no I have no problem. I just don't want you to get in any kind of trouble", Khao said.

"Should you really be talking like this when you are from the law department ", First randomly said.

"Well you are from law as well , you also do it. Besides this law never really helped anyone. Criminals get away with things and victims have to suffer more and more. To be honest , I don't want to be a part of such a law ", Khao said.

First just nodded and left for his next class.

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?", Khao exclaimed to himself as he watched First leave.

First opens his phone and texts.

Boss this is about Khao. I don't think we need to worry about him. He said that he doesn't care about the buisness.

He only cares about you?

How did you guess that?

Pretty easy to guess to be honest, so how do you feel about the confession?

I mean of course it's touching and all

You can date as long as it doesn't affect the buisness

That's the problem he doesn't want me to do this. I was wondering if there was a solution to this

There is only one solution to such things and that is you choose one thing. I don't mind, you can pick anything you want, think about it.

Really boss, thank you so much I owe you alot. I can't even express myself

No problem

Gun was walking to the hospital room of his mother as he texted with First. He didn't expect that love could cause someone to leave his group but he couldn't do anything about it he should have been more careful.
As he opened the door he meets with a familiar voice,

"What are you doing?"

Gun immediately keeps his phone inside out of habit as he looks up and sees Dunk standing infront of him.

"What are you doing here?", Gun asked.

"I trusted you Gun, i trusted you when I told you about my past and what did you do ? You lied to me. I know everything , that day your father didn't just die in a car crash, you pushed him infront of the car. Those kids aren't stabbed by a random gang but you killed them. You'll pay for doing this to me Gun you really will", Dunk warned.

Gun wanted to say something but words didn't come to him so Dunk just left. After 10 mins Gun finally snapped out of it cause of a loud ringing sound. Everything in the room was red.

What is happening ? Gun thought.

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