God knows

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Chimon entered the house rather tired. He had gotten home late and was scared to get a scolding from Off as he hated non punctual people.

"Oh master Chimon you are here , do you know where Master Off is ? He hasn't come yet ", One of the maids said.

"Phi isn't home yet ? Thank God ", Chimon said as the door opened and Off walked inside.

Speak of the devil. Chimon thought.

Off halted when he saw Chimon standing right at the doorstep.

"Why are you back so late ", Off said.

"So are you ", Chimon responded.

Off grabbed on to Chimon tightly and pulled him closer.

"That isn't your perfume , where have you been ?", Off questioned as Chimon stepped back.

Why is he so good at this. Chimon thought.

"Phi , i bought a new scent ", Chimon defended himself.

"Oh really ? What scent is it then ", Off asked as Chimon froze. He didn't know the name.

"That's what I thought , where have you been , tell me now ", Off said.

"Just with a friend , this is his perfume , I was just trying it on nothing more ", Chimon said.

"Another story , I am getting impressed by your lying skills Chimon. Can you just fucking come clean at this point. Have you gotten yourself a boyfriend or something ?", Off said out loud as Chimon tried to cover his mouth.

"Dad is home , don't yell ", Chimon said .

Off removed Chimon's hand from his face as he looked at him with a stern face.

"If you are so afraid why do you do things like that. Who is it ? Tell me ? ", Off asked.

Chimon gulped as he looked around , he didn't know if he should speak up about it but he didn't seem to have a choice.

"Perth ", Chimon said as Off releases his hand to hit Chimon but stopped himself. Chimon flinched and covered his face with his hands to try to avoid being hit.

"That sneaky guy really got to you didn't he", Off said in disbelief as he puts his hand down and looks to the ground trying to calm himself but then he notices something which angers him more. Chimon's legs were shaking.

"Do you have no self respect left in you ?", Off asked.

"What are you talking about, Phi  ? I swear he is a good person , he likes me a lot ", Chimon tried to assure Off.

"Seeing how your legs are shaking it's really easy to tell what he likes about you ", Off remarked as Chimon got a bit conscious.

"He said that he - ", Chimon was going to say but stopped when he saw Off's expression.

"I tell you cause I actually care but if you don't consider me a part of your family then I can't really do much ", Off said as he walked away.

"Come on Phi , it's not like that ", Chimon said as he held onto Off's arm.

"What are you arguing about?", a deep voice came. Both the boys looked up.

Chimon was in panic while Off still looked upset.

"Nothing ", Off said.

"What happened ?", their father asked looking at Chimon.

"Nothing ", Chimon said.

"Sort it out , both of you ", Their father said as the boys nodded and walked to their room.

Off closed the door to his room as Chimon sat on the bed.

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