Who's that

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Gun smirks as Fourth gives his updates. That's what he liked about Fourth , he was competitive and always brought quick and good results.

"What are you doing ?", a voice came.

Gun kept his phone inside and turned around.

"Isn't this Deja Vu ", Dunk said as Gun looked unamused.

"What do you want ?", Gun said.

"Oh come on , aren't we friends ?", Dunk said.

"No we aren't , friends with benefits that are not sexual would be a more fitting title though. So tell me , what do you get from hanging out with me. How are you using me ?", Gun said.

"This is the good part about you , you always cut to the chase ", Dunk said as he kept his hands in his pocket and looks towards Gun.

"I need you to date me ", Dunk said.

"Does this involve Joong in any way ?", Gun asked.

"How much do you know ?", Dunk said. 

"As much as Chimon could tell me ", Gun said.

"He forced me to sleep with him ", Dunk said.

"How ?", Gun asked.

"He has something against me ", Dunk said.

"Exactly what does he have against you that he can make you do all this ", Gun questioned.

"I am not telling that , he just has something. Now your turn , give me something against you as well. We need to be trusted ", Dunk said.

Gun just smirked and walked away. Dunk sighed , he knew that Gun must have some interesting secrets and he was highly keen in knowing them.

"What are you doing here?", Off's voice came.

"Oh , good timing. I might need your services , name your price ", Dunk said as he walked to Off.

"I don't do work for you and Joong anymore. Don't treat me like your slave ", Off said.

"I am not , I am asking for a proper barter system. What do you want in exchange for doing my work ", Dunk asked.

"What do you want me to do ?", Off questioned.

"Find out something about someone ", Dunk said.

"Get me a stress reliever. I need one that doesn't fail okay , every guy keeps saying I am too much. I need a long lasting body", Off said.

Dunk thought about it and then smirked.

"Once you get the information , you can sleep with that guy only ", Dunk said.

"Who is it ?", Off asked.

"Gun ", Dunk said.

"Who's that ?", Off asked.

Dunk mentally hit his head with his hand.

"How can you not know Gun. He has been hanging out with Chimon since the start of the semester ", Dunk said.

"Oh that little guy. I don't think be has that stamina , you know ", Off said.

"Well then you clearly don't know him. He is good and from what I see a virgin as well. You can have all the fun you want. Just find out a secret of his that he is hiding ", Dunk said.

"Can I get any starters ?", Off asked.

"Nope , ask your brothers for it ", Dunk said as he swiftly left the place.

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