Which friend

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Gun smiled as he heard everything the trio were talking about through his earphones. He had attached multiple listening devices in the area so that he could know what conversation the trio had.

As he listened to them talking while walking back home he hears a car slow down beside him. Gun looks to the left as the windows of the now halted car goes down.

Off. Gun thought as the rich boy looked at Gun.

"Where do you live ? I'll drop you ", Off said in a rather caring tone.

What's with him. Gun thought.

"It's fine , I'll walk home ", Gun said.

"I am not asking , I am telling you ", Off said.

"Why ? Why are you suddenly telling me ?", Gun said.

"I wanna sleep with you ", Off said.

What is he up to ? Is this a bet ? Gun thought.

"I don't ", Gun said.

Off opened the car door and got out of there. He walks to Gun with his hands in his pocket and leans in close to Gun.

"You know , Dunk is searching for your weakness. I can save you from him if you follow me ", Gun whispered.

Gun pushes Off back and looks at him in anger.

"I get it now. Dunk wants my weakness cause he told me his and he appointed to do it in exchange for you to sleep with me , using that weakness", Gun said.

Off's eyes widened as he smirked.

"Wow , correct guess. You just got more attractive", Off said.

Gun tried to walk away but Off held his arm and pulled him closer. Gun acted as if he couldn't get out of Off's grasp. He couldn't seem as if he is too strong.

"Let me go ", Gun said as he tried to free himself from Off.

Off kicked him in the stomach and pulled him closer. Gun felt the slight pain but it was still bearable. What he didn't  expect was that he would be pulled in a deep makeout. Gun felt a shiver of disgust in his spine as he bit Off's lips making the guy back off.

"You really have no limit ", Gun said as he walked away.

"I'll find out eventually. If you leave right now, I'll find out eventually what you are up to. Then you'll have to sleep with me. It's better you save the trouble now ", Off said.

Gun turned around , showed his middle finger and walked away. He was fed up with the behaviour Off was putting. Besides , Gun had to go and meet his mother.

Everyone in the hospital was familiar with Gun by now. He came everyday and always paid the fees for operations and stay on time. As he filled in the fees again he goes to his mother's room.

"Gun ", she said weakly. Gun smiled and sat next to her.

"How are you ?", Gun asked.

His mother smiled and then started to dictate her day. His mother loves to talk and Gun loved to listen.
He just watched her in awe and his eyes dropped a tear as he broke from his trance.

His mother wasn't awake , still in coma from all these years and no one was talking, there was just pin drop silence in the room.

"You'll wake up one day if not today, I know you will ", Gun said silently.


"No point in going on the right path. I was thrown from my position. The boss funded me and brought me back to where I am right now. Even after being proven innocent , those that wronged me are alive. I need my revenge and the boss gave it to me when their lives fell apart. What I do is an act of gratitude I have for him", First tells his story.

"What about you sir ?", Fourth asked as he looked at James.

"I was alone and broken. I had no reason to live , quite literally. He just gave me a reason to see tomorrow. Before I knew it , I was determined to help the boss. I think even he has a good reason for whatever he does. I wonder what it is though ", James said.

"True , I think the boss is going through tough times as well. I want to help him but private matters with him are off limits ", Fourth said.

"Yeah , but I think if we work well for him it would be the greatest help for him ", First said.

"I want to meet the boss one day ", Fourth said with a strange determination.

"Should we try meeting him ? I mean all three of us together should be able to track him ", First said.


Don't even try

The three look at their phones then at each other and started to laugh. They felt the humour that Gun gave but they knew he was also serious.

From there they all split ways. Fourth took the bus to his large mansion. He entered inside silently but he was stopped immediately.

"Where were you ?", Joong said sharply.

"Studying in the library ", Fourth said.

"Lying doesnt get you anywhere Fourth. I know you weren't there. I am your brother you should be honest with me ", Joong said strictly.

What brother ? I don't even consider you a person. Just fucking leave me alone. Fourth mentally said.

"Sorry ,  I was roaming with my friends", Fourth said.

"Which friend ?", Joong asked.

What person do I even know ? Fourth scanned through his person list.

"Gemini ", Fourth said out of nowhere.

"The guy Dunk was bullying ", Joong asked confused.

"Yeah , I was consoling him ", Fourth said.

"I'll also ask him you know , if you are lying then tell me ", Joong said.

"I am not , I really was with him ", Fourth said.

Joong just nodded as Fourth went to his room. He threw his bag aside and clucthed onto his phone. Going through his contacts. He found no one useful for asking Gemini's number.

"What should I do !!! ", Fourth exclaimed.

Unable to think anything he texts the boss.


Boss , I need help

With what ?

Umm so like there is a candidate in the list named Gemini. I was hoping to search more into him.

Fourth , I know who you are , just get on to the main point, cause I know for a fact I didn't add that student to the list.

I messed up , I need that guy's number so that he can help me out of the mess.

768XXXXXXX this is the number but you would want to know a weakness of his or he would have you under his finger.

Can't I promise him a favour for later ?

Nah , he is definitely making you his servant or something.

How are you so sure ?

Well cause I know something you don't

That is ....

Nothing that has to be discussed now , go on , do what you have to.
Good night , thank you for your work today.

Good night , Boss. Thank you so much.

Fourth quickly saves the number that Gun gave and calls Gemini. The call rings a few times , Fourth was getting more nervous. He felt that Gemini might not pick up but in the end the call got connected and Fourth was relieved.

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