XXXVI. The Final Pieces Fall Into Place

Start from the beginning

As the title of last chapter mentioned, all hades broke loose.. and I mean it one hundred and twenty percent. It was.. I mean, to say it was scary was putting what happened in Central Park and across Manhattan lightly. And I mean.. really, really, really lightly.

- — - — - — - — - Switch To Third Person POV - — - — - — - — -
August 16th, 2009 (less than 12 hours earlier)

The minute the two Wardens and Grand-Warden lunged or dived onto the Titan Army, chaos erupted as elsewhere around Manhattan, most of the other Wardens emerged once again to exact a grim harvest from the Titan Army, who had not heeded Azamoth's warning the day prior. Thus, the Wardens - and Grand Warden - had been given free reign by the heralds to whatever they wanted, as long as they took great pains to avoid unnecessary casualties to mortals and Olympian forces and to not accidentally kill the Monster King and Queen as well. Needless to say, after being scolded by the heralds for Azamoth's and the other warden's antics that killed mortals the day before, the wardens and Grand-Warden were very eager to make up for their disappointing performance yesterday.

Colton grabbed the MG42 and jerked Kayla out of the way as Mega-Asterios closed in on the monsters in front of them. Michael and Kelli rapidly grabbed ammo and spare barrels and did the same thing, both of them just barely getting out of the way. Hunter also just barely dragged her screaming fellow hunter out of the way before the foot of Mega-Asterios stomped on the spot both hunters of Artemis had been just a couple of moments before.

Against a twenty-one foot tall basically enhanced Asterios, the monsters that had nearly gotten to them before being frozen in place by fear had no chance of being able to resist what fell upon them. Sleeping mortal bodies were magically moved aside and out of the way in the path of the two land-based monstrosities, as the five headed dog from the Brooklyn Battery Tunnel galloped past Percy's group straight into the group of Titans and bit Perses' head clean off with its middle head, scattering the essence of the Titan Of Destruction.. instantly. And yes.. you heard that correctly.

Against these things, the consequences for those who could even reform or respawn in Tartarus were deadly, as poor Perses just showed. He was dead before he had even a chance to try to defend himself. Hyperion and Menoetius backed away from their fallen brother as his body literally exploded into particles right before their eyes.

The Clazmonian Sow now shrieked repeatedly in terror as Abyssling's talons gripped firmly into the winged monster and carried it off into the skies. This caused many of the other monsters to also start screaming in terror and turn and flee, the demigods of the Titan Army feeling terror replace whatever motivations they had to attack. Just at that moment, everyone heard a series of deep, guttural growls echo from the streets to the east of Central Park. Percy shuddered at the noises. "Come on.." he muttered in a fearful tone. "..more of them are coming to join?"

Cháris looked on in amazement towards where the noises were coming from, and sighed.. not in annoyance, but in surprise.

"Seems like some late contingents from the globe are joining the fray.." Cháris murmured, before turning to his brother Atmos. "Communicate with our newest forces.. tell the monsters under Khan, Lord of Lesser-Known Legends, to join in the attacks of the Wardens and Grand-Warden across the city." Atmos simply nodded and stayed behind as the other five heralds vanished. The sound of roars, growls, and footsteps got rapidly closer and closer, as some were now also coming from the streets west of Central Park too. Despite the panic and terror of the Titan Army in Central Park as many, including the remaining Titans, tried to put up a defense of the ground that they had mostly won with minimal resistance from the defenders, those fleeing the field didn't catch sight of the approaching new fighters to the field of battle until they quite literally made their presence felt with a vengeance.

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