The redemption date

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Hello everyone sorry for the late chapter I hope yall enjoy this chapter. Sorry about my warning mistake on the last chapter I didn't mean to put masochist as rope play just to clear that up a masochist is someone who likes pain being inflicted on them
<<starting details so your not confused>>

1. It's a few days after new years and Christmas and Evan was still mad about alzier leaving the date and alzier wanted to make it up to Evan by taking him on another date.

2. also Eliza evan and ash are all at Evan house helping him get ready

3. Eliza as well told alzier something's about Evan to make the date even better

4. Alzier is taking Evan on dates so ash and Eliza can plan and set up for Evan birthday on January 15 (that's the next chapter date)

**alziers pov**

Today is the exact day I make up for leaving the date earlier for evan well im actually very surprised he isn't pleased from what we did on the day before Christmas oh my god that was a fun day.i got up out of my bed and let out a quick yawn before walking to the bathroom and taking a shower than grabbing some clothes from the closet. I grabbed white button up shirt a black vest and some gray pants put on a expensive watch and ring. (Reference photo at the end)

After getting dressed I walked to the kitchen and made breakfast as I proceeded to walk out the house after finishing my breakfast I got in my Gray sport car. Just before I could pull off I got a message from Evan.

A/N - btw alzier has Evan number saved in his phone as dove ❤️ (cause alzier thinks he's as pretty as a dove)

Dove ❤️ - are you still picking me up at 1:30?
Alzier - no sorry I'll be late I have to do something maybe 2:30
Dove ❤️ - okay well see around 2:30 then

I turnt off my phone and started the car. Work was always pestering me it's so annoying these two months have been very annoying the only thing I don't regrets these last two months is going to Micheal's club still have no clue why that idiot runs a club even when he's in the mafia**DING** It was a text from Evan.

Dove ❤️ - we're still going to the cafe right?
Dove ❤️ - also I may have to pick up a shift the club later so I don't really much time
Alzier - yea just the cafe and maybe I'll see you at your club shift then

A/N - im so sorry this chapter sounds so cringey so far im just tryna get it done i have writers block helo

The casino workers are pestering me my friends are pestering me my coworkers are pestering me everybody is pestering god people are so annoying.after finishing some stuff at work it's was 2:17 I was on my way to pick up Evan for our date but I feel sorta bad for changing the time as I arrived to Evan's apartment. Evan came out wearing
A off the shoulder brown sweater small white shorts and some white-ish yellow leg warms and brown ugs boots on (reference at the end) I mean he look amazing. He always looks amazing.

As Evan got into the car he gave me the cutest smile in the world is absolutely crazy how he can go for cute and adorable to a slut and mean. I blame Eliza but then again I don't know to much about Evan now that I really think of it most times we've met we just made out. As I looked at Evan I had a slight grin and mumbled "so how would you feel giving me a lap dance when your at the club for your shift" Evan gave me and jokingly irritating glare "turns out i don't have to do a extra shift today" he rolled his eyes after telling and this well guess he didn't appreciate me asking for another lap dance but I'll get it one day. "So does that mean you're free for the day?" Evan nodded his head. This was absolutely great I can make this date so much better.

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