8.date day

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Evan's POV

So, now I have to go on a date with Alzier. Lord, I really need to stop promising to do things I don't want to, but I guess this date can't be that bad. "Hey, Eliza, what do you think is going to happen on this date?" I didn't mean to ask, but the question slipped out.

Eliza was quiet for a moment before replying, "I don't know. Let's just hope it goes well."

DING—a text from Alzier. I assumed it was the details for our date.

Alzier: Sorry, I'm not sure what you like, so I think we should just get food and then go to the park. Or would you prefer something more expensive?

Evan: It's fine. What time are you thinking?

Alzier: How about I pick you up at 8?

Evan: Oh, sure, that works for me.


"Eliza, hurry up! I need to dress semi-casual. He says we're going to get something to eat and then go to the park. Should I dress more feminine or masculine? Help me get ready!" I was in a panic, trying to figure out what to wear with only an hour and fourteen minutes to go.

Eliza rushed into my room, her eyes bright with excitement. "Calm down, hun. I'm going to get you all ready for your date with your boyfriend—maybe future husband. Come on, go shower. I'll pick out an outfit for you."

A/N: When he's your boyfriend but he doesn't know it yet, and when he's also your future husband—delusions at their finest 😍😭

Eliza pushed me into the bathroom with a laugh. I was anxious about her outfit choice but trusted her sense of style. After a 15-20 minute shower, I wrapped myself in a towel and dried my hair with another. When I emerged, a neatly folded outfit was waiting on my bed.

The outfit was slightly ripped jeans, a baby blue and white graphic tee, blue and white Jordans, and a blue and green hat. I quickly changed and checked myself in the full-length mirror. I felt a surge of confidence. It was 7:23 PM, and I still had to go through my 25-minute skincare routine. I was determined to keep my skin clear and fabulous.

A/N: I need his confidence like omg 😭😭

I dashed into the bathroom and began my routine—washing my face, applying various skincare products. My skin looked radiant. After one last look in the mirror, I headed to the living room, only to find Eliza peeking out the window.

"Eliza, what are you doing? Why are you peeking out of the window?"

Eliza responded with excitement, "I think Alzier is here. Is he rich? There's a super expensive black sports car outside. If it's not Alzier, do you think the person in that car is single?"

I sighed. Eliza had a knack for chasing after rich men and women. "You sound like a gold digger, and yeah, it's probably Alzier. He just texted me saying he's here in a black sports car." I unlocked the door and walked outside to see Alzier holding a bouquet of dark blue roses. I smiled, took the roses, and thanked him. Before I could say much more, he drove off to the park.

Once we arrived at the park, Alzier helped me out of the car. "So, doll, what would you like to do at the park? We could feed the ducks, get food, sit down and talk, dance, or watch the show."

Doll? Alzier called me "doll"! My face flushed slightly. "D-doll?" I stammered, still processing the nickname.

"Oh, um, how about we feed the ducks first?" I suggested. Alzier grinned, clearly enjoying the effect his nickname had on me. As we walked to a bench by the lake, I grabbed food from the dispenser and started feeding the ducks. Alzier stood close, his hands steadying me to make sure I didn't fall into the lake. Everything was serene until the sound of a phone ringing broke the tranquility.


I looked over to see Alzier answering his phone and stepping away from me, standing near a tree. I assumed it was work or something. Given the expensive car he drove, he must have a good job. This was the first time I'd seen him in casual attire; he looked both semi-formal and laid-back.

A few minutes later, Alzier returned with a semi-serious expression. "Sorry, Evan, but I have to go. It's work-related. Do you need a ride home?"

I gave him an irritated look but reluctantly agreed. "Yes, I need a ride home. I didn't expect our date to end so early. It's like it just started."

Alzier looked disappointed. "I'm sorry. I'll make it up to you soon." He led me to his car, and we drove back to my apartment.

As we arrived, I thanked him and took the flowers. I trudged up to my apartment, feeling a bit deflated. I was angry at Alzier for ending the date so abruptly, even though he apologized. I dreaded what Eliza might have done while I was out—she probably ate all my snacks and trashed the place.

Walking into my apartment, I was surprised to find it clean, and Eliza was lounging on the couch, watching TV. I checked the kitchen, and sure enough, she had polished off all my snacks. Good things never last long.

"It's only 9:13. Why are you back so early?" Eliza asked, her eyes wide with concern.

I couldn't respond at first. I felt my confidence from earlier evaporate. Alzier hadn't even commented on how I looked, and I knew I looked fabulous. I walked into my room, showered, changed into pajamas, and returned to the living room with a tub of vanilla ice cream. I crushed Oreos into the tub and sat down next to Eliza, shoving spoonfuls of ice cream into my mouth.

"Well, are you going to tell me what happened? You seem kind of down. Do I need to slash his tires, duct tape all his furniture to the ceiling, or duct tape him to the ceiling?"

I looked at Eliza, exasperated. I knew she'd say something outrageous, but duct taping someone to the ceiling? "No, please don't do anything crazy. He just left almost exactly when the date started. I care about small things, and it really bothered me."

Eliza's face showed her irritation at my refusal to let her take drastic measures. "You're no fun. Well, you seem to have lost all your confidence. So, what we're going to do is go to the club, perform a dance, and wear something revealing. Come on."

Putting down the tub of ice cream, Eliza dragged me outside to the car. We drove to the club where we worked. It wasn't so bad to be here after all. Eliza had already scheduled our dances; we just needed to get ready.

In the main room for the strippers, Eliza told me to get dressed. I didn't have much choice. I went to a room and chose a somewhat revealing outfit: black thigh-high socks, black boxers, a black bunny crop top, and a brown jacket. It wasn't too slutty but was definitely more revealing than usual. I felt a bit more confident.

When I walked back into the main room, Eliza looked shocked. "Wow, Evan, I didn't think you'd wear something like that. I'm living for it."

"Slutty? My outfit isn't that bad, right?" I asked, a bit defensive.

Eliza shook her head. "Whatever. Go, it's your turn to dance."

She pushed me towards the stage. I rolled my eyes but went out and performed, ending with a split. As I walked back, I noticed someone familiar in the crowd. It was Alzier. My face registered shock as I realized he was watching me.

"OMG, Eliza! Alzier is here! Why is he here? Shouldn't he be at work or something?"

Eliza's expression mirrored mine. "Maybe we should leave before anything happens. I have a bad feeling."

"Do you think he's here for me? I was ignoring his texts," I said, using my nickname for her. Eliza quickly changed back, and we headed towards the door, where we saw Alzier standing near the entrance.


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