2 | Such Loose Effects.

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June 16, 2023 | 6:00pm
Ashwood | Koa Residence.


As the dusky horizon paints the Arlingfellian sky with hues of deep purple and burnt orange, a town car glides through the imposing iron gates of an opulent estate. The fading sun casts a warm glow, forging long shadows that dance across the landscape. The tranquil atmosphere is punctuated by the soft whispers of the wind, carrying with it the promise of a serene evening ahead.

The estate is a pretty sight and the sprawling grounds are meticulously manicured, adorned with vibrant flowers and lush greenery.

Aiden Koa, in his late twenties, emerges from the car, his boyish charm evident in his angled face, which accentuates his youthful appearance. His most captivating feature is his eyes, a shade of brown so deep that they appear golden, especially when the evening sun casts its warm glow upon them. The amber hues in his eyes add a touch of mystery and allure to his overall presence, while his thick brows accentuate his boyishly handsome face, a unique blend of charm and refinement.

In typical fashion, he wears a casual sport coat, its fabric a subtle mix of navy blue and charcoal gray. The coat effortlessly complements his business casual outfit, consisting of a crisp white shirt, perfectly tailored trousers, and polished leather shoes.

As he moves away from the car, he is approached by Mr. Morten, the seasoned house manager. He is an older white man, with silver hair, neatly combed, and face, marked by deep lines that reveal a lifetime of stories.

Aiden's eyebrows furrow slightly as he continues to observe the gathering of the house staff. The anticipation among them is palpable and their faces beam with a certain excitement.

"Did you have to gather everybody at the front?" Aiden asks, a hint of frustration in his voice. "It's... nice to see them so eager, but I expected to move in today with no... whatever this is." He lets out a weary sigh, hoping Mr. Morten can shed some light on the situation.

Mr. Morten's grin widens, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "They wanted to welcome you officially, sir," he replies, his tone filled with amusement.

Aiden's gaze shifts to the expectant faces of the staff members, unable to help but feel a mixture of gratitude and modest discomfort at their overwhelming enthusiasm.

"I'm glad to see you all, really," Aiden addresses the group, his voice warm and sincere. "But please don't let me hold you up. Disperse, and for those of you staying overnight, you can get started. For the rest, safe travels home." Aiden says and his words are met with murmurs of understanding and appreciation from the gathered group.

As the group begins to disperse, Aiden turns to Mr. Morten, a sense of relief washing over him. He meets the manager's gaze, silently conveying his gratitude for managing the situation with finesse.

"Starting to think being rich is getting to my head," Aiden says, his tone genuine. "I spent most of my life making my own meals."

"This is Ashwood, not as fast paced as Los Angeles, but sometimes hard to keep up with."

Aiden chuckles and shakes his head. "Maybe this city will have to keep up with me. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have some errands to run in the city. I'm just here for my leisure car."

Mr. Morten nods, his expression filled with a mixture of respect and curiosity. "Is there anything that you need assistance with?"

Aiden pauses for a moment, considering the question, but just shakes his head after a moment of thought. "No, but thank you," he replies, a spark of excitement in his eyes. "Right now, I need to gather my scattered thoughts and visit an old friend."

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