Chapter 3: Monster Island

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Next chapter! Enjoy!

"Betty Botter bought some butter, But she said the butter's bitter. If I put it in my batter, it will make my batter bitter, But a bit of better butter will make my batter better. So 'twas better Betty Botter bought a bit of better butter." Godzilla recited the tongue twister. He was testing how articulate he could be with his new voice as he walked in the lush green forest. The towering trees provided a canopy, casting a dappled shade on the ground below, and the occasional bird song filled the air."Bub Bubble Batter Bunker Baby Butter Bucky Ducky," Godzilla exclaimed as he sipped water from the nearby stream. He was pleased with his newfound ability to articulate his words easily.

"Bub Bubble Batter Bunker Baby Butter Bucky Ducky," Godzilla exclaimed as he sipped water from one of his water pouches. He was pleased with his newfound ability to articulate his words easily. But his moment of peace was disturbed by a sudden thud. Which was followed by several more

*Thud! Thud! Thud! Thud!*

Godzilla quickly ducked behind a tree and peered out to see a monstrous creature charging towards him. This beast was the size of a wolf but with pale green scales and red-orange marks from the head to the end of its tail. It had small horns on the snout structure, yellow eyes with slits, and black markings on the side of the head. The creature's pale violet forked tongue flickered in the air, and it had quills on the nape that rattled as it ran.

The creature also possessed a bipedal body with stubby underdeveloped nub for arms, a round belly, and two strong legs with black fur around the shins and three toes. Its long tail was adorned with rattling quills at the end. Godzilla watched in disgust at the sight of this mutated Saharan Horned viper.

 Godzilla watched in disgust at the sight of this mutated Saharan Horned viper

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"I've been the King of the Monsters for over 250 million years. And that is the grossest thing I have ever seen-" As Godzilla's deep voice boomed across the battlefield, he looked down at the gruesome scene before him. He had been the undisputed King of the Monsters for over 250 million years, but the sight in front of him was still enough to make him recoil in disgust.

Suddenly, his attention was drawn to movement in the pit beside the gross-looking beast. Without warning, a monstrous spider-like creature erupted from the earth, snatching the helpless armless beast and dragging it down into the depths of the pit.

The spider monster was a terrifying sight to behold. It was roughly the size of a large bear, with a hunched posture and a bulky, heavily armored abdomen. Its cephalothorax was smaller in comparison, with eight piercing purple eyes and a pair of chelicerae covered in razor-sharp teeth. Its body was covered in a thick coat of crimson fur, with dark black shades that added to its sinister appearance. And with eight woolly legs, each tipped with dangerous spikes, the creature was a formidable foe indeed.

 And with eight woolly legs, each tipped with dangerous spikes, the creature was a formidable foe indeed

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Monsterverse Adventures: Monster IslandWhere stories live. Discover now