Act 1: Ch.44 - Anomaly of the World

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Consistency equals power. It's something I learned ever since I was a kid. Maddox taught me so and even Viro, as shitty of a father he was, made sure to engrave it into my mind. After training with Maddox she'd always sit me down and tell that consistency is the most important in order to not just gain growth but also maintaining the growth you have gained. Be consistent and you'll grow strong. Don't be and you'll grow weak. It's a rule that applies to all no matter how powerful you are. It's one of the very few things from my past life as a Cosmos that I've carried over to this one. And it's the exact reason why I have a strict routine that I always commit to every day. Even when still recovering from a to the death with previous Dragon Sovereign a week earlier.

I wake up at 6 a.m. from a sleep that lasts anywhere from six to eight hours. Although unnecessary for an individual like myself who has transcended far into the ladder of Outer-Realms of the Chaos Voids, I have found that it is the most effective method of rest. Both for the mind and the body.

The moment I do wake up I shower and dress before executing a very basic workout downstairs comprised of static calisthenic exercises that train strictly to train my balance and focus only. After finishing by 7 a.m. I begin to make a breakfast for Azura who wakes around this time, she has a large appetite so it usually involves a combination of eggs, bacon and a variety of fruits. If I feel like it I'll also eat some with her.

By 8 a.m. Angelica will come by and begin homeschooling Azura for the day as I leave for work. This is the longest part of the day as I spend hours with Erebus and his Leviathan Dragon generals strategising, planning and executing missions in the quiet war against the D.C.E.

Immediately afterwards I take my leave of the Sovereign-Hive and ascend into the abyssal anarchy that is the Chaos Void here that lies beyond ordered reality. Here I will enact my training for just existing directly within it; the far reaches of the void's ladders of frenzied infinity, abstract forces and realms all puts me under immense strain the deeper I go. My training here focuses on strengthening my body via taking on my own attacks and using the surrounding Omegas as weights for a variety of physical exercises using only my physical strength, not aiding myself with my Ethos. I will also sometimes bring Erebus or Angelica up to spar in which the both of us alter our power to an equal level in order to hone my fighting instincts. Increasing my power by going all out through mock battles is unnecessary when I do as such with Cynthia's avatar whenever I leave to train within that separate reality.

From my perspective I will continue the training in the Chaos Void for a few hours to possibly even days however, due to the void's transcendence over space-time, when returning to the hive no more than an hour would have usually passed.

By from 4 p.m to 5 p.m I spend my time recovering from training and resting, usually this involves playing and entertaining Azura, before then entering into a meditative training that both Erebus and Cynthia's avatar taught me.

By clearing my mind and putting all my focus into literally feeling the flow of Ethos, both in others but primarily in myself, it allows me to gradually become more accustomed to it, understanding of its nature and thus gradually increasing my control over it. During this meditation I'll also slowly increase the output of my Ethos to the current limit at the time in order to increase my resistance to its destructive nature so that greater outputs no longer hurt me. This is also to make me become accustomed to the current limit so that it can be broken and a higher maximum output can be achieved.

This training is the most mentally exhausting and extends up to 7 p.m. in which after I will rest momentarily before cooking Azura and sometimes myself dinner. During this time I'll also help Azura with any homework that Angelica set if she asks before I eventually tuck her into bed for bedtime at around 8 p.m.
From then until 11 p.m. I spend my time rigorously testing my abilities and Skills, learning how to monopolise them in as many situations as possible and in the best possible way before the clock strikes eleven. When that I happens I also then retreat to my room and go to sleep to rest my mind.

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