Act 1: Ch.12 - Gods Within

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The cloaked figure of Ada Cosmos was sat on a stone stool facing a large pane of glass with her only company being a soldier covered from head to toe in black clad armour standing beside her, holding a sword by the handle with both hands as the end of the blade rested on the floor. His dark breastplate had a deep red omega symbol painted on, the Cosmos Family sigil. Ada herself carried a black and red cane that she held in a similar fashion, almost leaning on it with her two hands. She was in an empty, plain concrete room with the familiar symbols of her blessings, an A merged with an omega symbol, scrawled all over the walls and enhancing their strength to impenetrable levels. A flickering light on the ceiling was the only thing that allowed one to even see in the musty smelling place. The light gave a low hum as well which sounded relaxing at first however after long enough exposure it would become infuriating to hear. The only other thing in this room was an unnervingly average looking wooden door behind the old, yet powerful woman and her bodyguard like soldier.

The pane of glass she was facing was as big as one of these walls and served as a window to the room on the other side. However, the word, room, wouldn't be the correct term to describe it, rather prison cell felt a lot more accurate. It was dark and the multiple chains hung from the ceiling and walls, the concrete seeming to almost wither however the symbols of blessings from the Crest of the Cosmos that belonged to the head of the Cosmos Family destroyed any hope of breaking down the walls to freedom.

"What do you want?" A raspy, croaky voice said from the shadows. The pane of glass muffling the masculine voice slightly.

The eyes of Ada, hidden under her black hood, seemed to show something akin to relief, as if glad that she had heard the voice. Even so, she made no movements and stayed silent much like the soldier beside her.

"If I'm going to talk to an old hag the witch should probably speak." The voice from the darkness said once more. The person was mostly hidden in the shadows however a thin dirty leg could be seen poking into the light, it seemed to have withered with time much like the cell it was in. He was also bare foot and the sole of his foot along with his toes looked as if he walked through coal and ground up charcoal.

"Speak with that tone again and I'll have your tongue." Ada replied after a long silence.

The leg retracted into the darkness before the figure of a man started to emerge from the thick shadows. His silhouette limped forward until the light birthed him into view a few feet away from the glass. The man looked to be in his late forties and seemed half dead. He was horrifically skinny to the point one would think he was just a skeleton with skin stretched over his bones. His lips were cracked and looked like they hadn't touched water in years while the rest of his skeletal face was covered with dirt, practically bald with few hairs that he did have seeming to be a black in colour. His scarily sunken eyes were cloudy, alluding to partial, if not complete blindness however the irises still seemed to retain a very faded and dull red colour. His fingernails were black and seemed to rot on his frail fingers.

He hobbled forward until he was a few inches away from the glass and knelt so that he was level with the strongest and currently oldest Ethorian. Ada nodded under her hood, signalling the soldier beside her who then took her cane as she gently pulled back her hood, revealing her face. Her appearance that of a woman who looked good in her sixties. Her crimson eyes were slightly dull with age, but they seemed filled with life unlike the individual she was facing. Her usually braided grey hair had been untied and hung freely down her shoulders showing, despite her age appearance, her hair seemed full of youth, long and silky with the only inkling of her being older being the colour. She was also wearing a dark purple lipstick that contrasted with the red gem shaped tattoo on her forehead.

"Better now Eon." Ada said dryly as the thought to be dead wife of Seren scowled. "Can you look me in the eye now."

"Can't do that." Eon sniffed. "After what I saw I kept seeing it over and over again. Had to remove my sight."

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