Act 1: Ch.9 - We're the Same Maddox

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Huh...? What...? Hey...? Hey... Hey. Hey, hey, hey.

Everything seemed fuzzy, like a blur as the world began to spin. I looked at M who shook what looked like a red oil off her hand before then grabbing a nearby pillow and using it as towel. I remembered that something had hit my face. Something wet. Something warm. With a shaky hand I raised my fingers to my face and rubbed them on my cheek. I pulled them away to find a slick, dark red oily substance on them. I frowned in confusion as it reminded me of something. I glanced down and saw what looked like a fully clothed headless mannequin on the floor. The same red substance was pouring out of its neck with what looked like mince meat inside it as well. On the floor around it were shards of hard looking things as well, pieces of something covered once again in that same liquid.

Wait. Where is Uncle Leo? Why is it wearing Uncle Leo's clothes? Oh...

I screamed.

I fell back onto the ground and screamed, crawling away on my butt as fast as I could before my back hit something hard stopping me from moving. But I continued to try anyway and screamed even harder when Leo's body suddenly hovered up into the air, now shirtless with the letter m carved into his chest, before being flung to the side and smashing into the dragon skull, shattering it like glass.

"Hey Novarion, could you stop screaming otherwise I'll rip your tongue out." A sweet, singsong voice spoke before the sofa I once hid behind was also tossed to the side revealing the pitch-black body of M. Her glowing purple orbs for eyes shone like flames as her mouth, of a similar glow and colour, spread out into a childish grin. She began to take a few steps towards me, and panic immediately set in. I scrambled to try and move backwards.

Why can't I move further back!? Why!? Why?! Why?!

"Ugh! Ugh-aah!" I whimpered as my arms flailed about with M inching ever closer, one step at a time.

"Hey, calm down I ain't gonna hurt ya." She reassured. "Your death ain't gonna cause trouble for Ada yet."

She suddenly stopped moving as her lips curled up into an even bigger, more excited grin.

"But yours, hoh oh, yours definitely will."

M's eyes were firmly fixed on something next to me, so I glanced to my right and saw a pair of legs wearing black jeans. I slowly looked up to see a woman, appearing nineteen years of age, wearing a black crop top with pale white skin and long pitch-black hair. On her neck, just below and behind her ear was a golden ankh symbol. The purple irises of her eyes burning with rage and fury while she clenched her fists so tightly that I saw blood slowly drip down from them onto the floor.

"Novarion." Maddox said calmly. "The front door is open. Get out of here and run. Keep running until you reach the forest then run some more. You know the way back to your house."

For some reason I hesitated. I was petrified but I still hesitated, glancing back and forth between M and Maddox, the former giggling like a little girl.

"It's ok, I'm an Apex Rank and I'll be sure to get some justice for Leo. Go now!" Maddox practically shouted and adrenaline suddenly pumped through my body. I got up and ran like the wind, activating Air Force and propelled myself through the mansion and out the door almost immediately at speeds greater than sound. A sonic boom was all that I left behind.

Maddox watched Nova go before hearing the muffled giggles of the foe behind her, slowly turning to face the walking shadow. M just fluttered her eyes innocently before her face twisted into a psychotic and twisted expression. A glowing purple mouth smiling from ear to ear.

"Oh, Maddox my love, do you really want to do this?" M spoke in an almost singing rhythm.

Maddox merely stood; her purple eyes fixed onto the purple fire that filled M's eye sockets. It was clear that she was angry, filled with rage, one could sense it however Maddox remained scarily calm, the only sign of rage shown in her white knuckled clenched fists. The occasional drop of blood dripping down from them.

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