Act 1: Ch.28 - The Strongest Weakling

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"I'm going to kill you!!"

"Bring it on then!!" M shrieked in delight before charging forwards in an instant, swinging wide an axe kick that I narrowly dodged. As I bent backwards the soaring blade of a leg flew past and I snapped back up, lunging forward like an animal. I sent a punch forward with all my strength that M blocked via crossing her arms across her chest. The power sent her right back where she came like before only this time I followed. I leapt forward, swinging my claw like hand down that M slipped before grabbing me arm and throwing me behind her. As I flipped in the air I hit the ground with a hard thud, rolling across before bouncing back up to rush M once more. But she was ready. Already her grinning face was in front of mine which she grabbed viciously and violently slammed me into the ground headfirst. It felt as if my entire skull was about split open.

This whole construct must be infused with Ethos materials!

She lifted my head back up and smashed me back down harder. A thunderous boom rang out as the ground literally started to explode on impact. She pulled me back up for a third time and threw me back down again, but I brought my arms forward just in time to stop my head from receiving the impact once more. Almost as if in a plank position I held my stance as it felt like the weight of a mountain pressed down on the back of my head. M's nails digging into my scalp as she tried to push my head back down while gritted my teeth and resisted.

The anger and rage I felt from the beginning began to bubble and churn like molten lava inside me. It grew into a monster on its own.

"Get off me!!" I roared as a surge of flaming red Ethos erupted from my body, vaporising everything it touched as the explosion tore through the air. I felt the weight disappear as M was thrown back from the shockwave. I turned round and leapt into the air, chasing her down as she landed. I pulled back a blazing fist while I descended like a missile before releasing its power like a bullet. M casually slipped it, titling her head to the side while the area behind her erupted in an explosion of fire and debris before a right hook of her own connected with my jaw while I was still in the air. The force completely blew my jaw off as I was flung to the side. Tower after tower crumbled as I crashed through them, rolling on the ground while desperately digging my claws into the concrete to slow myself down.

Eventually I came to a stop, squatting down with both my hands knuckle deep into the hard surface that was stained red as my partially regenerated jaw continued to bleed freely and flow down.

"Is that all you've got kid?!" M yelled out as she walked down my trail of destruction. "Or do I need to blow off half you face with your jaw next time."

The rest of my jaw regenerated in a wave like motion before I wiped as I glared at the insane serial killer.

"Vicious bitch." I growled, the feeling of wrath and bloodlust that coursed through my body constantly making me twitch while crimson flames of Ethos began to lightly appear around my arms, licking the skin like dogs while I felt the rest building inside me. "I'll rip your god damn head off!"

M threw herself at me, crossing the distance in a moment as I anticipated. I jumped straight up into the air like a rocket just before M tore the ground where I once stood to pieces. I shot upwards, high, high into the air, above the very tips of the prison towers as the flames around my right arms erupted into a blazing inferno. I pored as much Ethos into my hand as I could, the feeling of a never-ending stream of fire flowed into my hand as what looked like a scarlet red sun the size of a building burst into existence.

"Burn to ashes M!!" I screamed as I swung round in the air before I threw the sundown as hard as I could. Like the meteor that killed the dinosaurs it descended like the fist of god, smashing into the ground before erupting into a gargantuan explosion. The roaring fireball soared upwards so high that it reached just a few feet below me and the heat blasted onto my skin and stung my eyes. Everything for miles across was vaporised in an instant leaving only a crater the size of a town and a dust cloud that took an ominous mushroom shape. One that I started to fall into as I slowly descended from thirty thousand feet into the air.

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