Act 1: Ch.42 - The Boy Set Free

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Darkness. All I saw was darkness. A black sheet covered my view with nothing but that lightless shade to be seen.

What the...? Where am I?

I went to take a step forward but felt nothing beneath my feet. No sensation of impact of any kind. I was not standing, nor was I floating. I was just... merely existing.

Ok let's see. I remember Erebus disappearing and Angelica explaining what that meant. Then I made a dash for the training realm with that avatar of Cynthia. Alright it's coming back now; I was training for ten years so a day has passed outside that realm. After my time was up I said my goodbyes to Cynthia, took my exit through the portal doorway and then...

I frowned.

Huh? Nothing. I can't remember.

I looked around and saw nothing before inspecting my body, only causing my confusion to grow greater. I could see my hands, my dirty battle torn clothes, my bare skin through the tears, all of it as clear as day. As if there was no darkness in the first place.

Yo Trio, can you hear me? Hello!?

No response.

Alright, either I'm dead or...

My thoughts trailed off as I came to a conclusion. And it was one that I did not like.

"Or you're dreaming?" Came a familiar feminine voice that sent shivers down my spine as it echoed across my surroundings. The sound almost ghostly, unnatural, while a sense of fear began to wash over me. I remembered this fear. A unique kind. One that only appeared when in the company of the incomprehensible. It made my stomach turn and my head spin as a woman seemingly faded into existence before me. Her punk styled clothes, black leather jacket, long flowing magenta hair and glowing neon green eyes were instantly recognisable. And seeing her made my blood boil.

"You..." I growled through a shaky breath.

"Me." Pandora said brightly however her smile was anything but. It was malicious and spiteful, an expression that took pleasure as the suffocating fear and sheer weight of her presence pressed against my mind forced me down onto one knee. "It's been a while Nova."

"Not long enough." I spat through gritted teeth while the Codex of Chaos raised an eyebrow and tilted her head to the side.

"Oh come now, is that anyway to treat the person that made you?" She pouted.

"I couldn't care if you were my fucking mother!" I snarled with such ferocity that Pandora looked slightly surprised.

"Now what have I done to make you hate me so much?"

My blood boiled even more, like a kettle ready to explode.

"You of all people should I don't betrayal lightly." I growled to which Pandora laughed in response.

"Are you serious?" She asked incredulously. "Your mad me for asking you to kill some kid. I mean you are child killer Nova, murdered that Amber Family brat and I was this Narrative when you consumed that entire Relic. Many lives you absorbed there, many of them children. Yet you have issues with me asking for the death of a child that was a complete stranger to you."

I snapped. I lunged forward only to suddenly feel an even greater weight press onto me. Almost instantly I was forced back down onto one knee. I blinked at the suddenness of it only to find Pandora looking down at me, sitting a a chair that appeared out of thin air. Her smile grew even more malicious, verging on sadistic as I gave a look of pure contempt.

"At least, she was a stranger to you... not anymore right?" She whispered in a mocking tone while leaning forward. "I mean for crying out loud kid, she even calls you papa now."

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