Act 1: Ch.6 - Hanging by a Thread

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Warning: This Chapter contains Graphic Imagery that some readers may find disturbing

Viewer Discretion is Advised

We trudged along the snowy woodlands of Sector One of the C.F.R, the sector where my family lives, as a silence clenched my throat. The only noise being the crunch of the snow under our feet as well as the very faint sound a metallic breathing rattling within The Adversary's mask.

He towered above, standing at least in the six foot three ranges and although he was hiding his power, I could tell that he was a force to be reckoned with. I don't like to judge a book by it's cover but his massive power combined with the slightly menacing aura I sensed from him, I felt like that the only word to describe him was evil.

"So, you're Novarion Cosmos, the runt of the family." He said suddenly as we walked beside each other.

"Don't call me that." I muttered under my breath.

The menacing figure's crimson eyes immediately swivelled down to look me dead in the eye, boring holes into my very sole.

"Interesting," he said after a moment's pause. "The last time I saw you you were just a baby, one who has grown to be weak, yet Maddox speaks highly of you."

"She does?"

The Adversary nodded.

"Indeed. Most of the family don't speak of you, those who do, usually your father, don't have anything good to say but Maddox does. Says you got potential and that as a prodigy she knows natural talent when she sees it, whether it be back up by raw Ethos power or not. Still, she's met with some rather unsavoury insults with you being the centre piece of them as a way to dismiss her claims."

It stung. Stung a lot. I knew I wasn't looked upon well but to also be insulted behind my back and as a way to remove any favour Maddox may try to get me. Well, it just showed that I needed to prove myself even more.

"Hey Novarion," The Adversary said, stopping suddenly before squatting down, getting down to my level to look in my eyes again. "I've wondered this for a while. Do you hate us?"


"Yes." I said after a long pause. "However, it depends on the person. The people in the family who've either never met me or barely know me and yet still view me as an outcast or think I'm worthless. Yeah, I despise them, especially since you and Ada set the precedent for this view or me. At least Ada leads my family to glory and greater heights as well as being the very founder of this ground we stand upon. I don't know if I like or dislike her however, I do respect her. You on the other hand, I do hate. You've done nothing to my knowledge apart from kill to warrant respect as you simply take. As for people who know me, and I know them..."

I paused, stopping myself as I remembered my direct family. Maddox and Mama specifically.

"Well, I guess it also depends as well."

The Adversary raised an eyebrow and I felt as if he were smiling.

"You've got some balls to look me in the eye and say you hate me." He said. "I like that, seems like Maddox wasn't lying when she said you had a fearless attitude however there's a fine line between courage and stupidity kid. If you weren't a Cosmos, then I probably would have killed you on the spot. Try not to act rash."

I looked into the crimson burning coals The Adversary had for eyes and I saw that there wasn't an ounce of doubt in his words. It sent a chill down my spine. This man is an unstoppable force and cold-blooded killer who will snuff out someone's life just for saying the wrong thing. I needed to be careful.

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