Act 1: Ch.7 - Pandora's Dream

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Where am I?

I walked forwards however there was nothing below my feet. Nor was there anything above or around me. There wasn't darkness or light there was just... nothing. Nonexistence I guess, in its truest state of nothingness yet I continued to walk forward or at least I made the motions of taking steps. It felt as if I was gliding forward rather than walking, as if I was levitating in the sky back home in the C.F.R.

Where am I?

The question appeared in my head again and it stayed there, repeating over an over until it consumed all my thoughts. The last thing I remember was saying good night to Kyla after some studying just before Mama put me to bed.

Now I'm here or... nowhere?

I continued move forwards until finally, after what felt like hours, something came into view. Two somethings in fact and one seemed to be above the other. It was hard to describe what they looked like as they didn't seem to have any shape or colour, rather it could be said they had all colours but what was most striking where something that could only be described as rays of the northern lights stretched down from the higher thing and seemed to enter the thing below it.

Is this some sort of realm or maybe a construct?

The thought came to me mind and as I mulled it over while watching the sight before me it made a lot more sense. At least that's what they seemed like anyway.

"You're correct kid."

A feminine voice echoed out from all around me with no seeming point of origin. It scared me and made me jump as I frantically looked around which seemed to cause faint giggles from this same voice. I began to feel something. It was cold like ice and slowly crawled up my spine as I continued to search this sea of nothingness to find the voice. The feeling stretched across my arms and into my fingertips whilst I suddenly realised, I was breathing sharp, heavy breaths. Almost as if I was having an asthma attack. My senses seemed to crank up to eleven as my eyes darted this way and that whilst this feeling grew stronger. It was fear. Pure and utter terror consuming every fibre of my being.

"Don't be scared I ain't gonna hurt you." She said again but this time the voice felt closer like she was closing in on me. "However, you are a very curious little thing aren't you."

"Who... who are you? Show yourself?" I stammered, the whole scenario taking me completely off guard as the fear grew more intense.

Something tapped me on my shoulder and a whipped round, turning away from the two constructs I had been previously watching. Standing before me was a young woman, maybe in her early twenties, looking down on me with an endearing smile. It was at that moment I realised that she was also quite tall for a woman as well, perhaps six foot or six foot one maybe, and that also to say she was beautiful was an understatement. Beauty may not be the exact word to describe it; however, she didn't have an elegant aura or vibe about her that was usually associated with the word, in fact it was quite the opposite. She was quite punk in style, wearing an open black leather jacket that had shiny metal studs dotted around the shoulders and collar of the jacket with some also running down the sleeves and around the edges of the bottom of the jacket. Underneath was a black crop top, showing a small amount of cleavage, and a pair of tight jeans with a black choker necklace around her neck that was also dotted with small metal studs similar to the ones on the jacket, only these were rounder. Completing the style was her long magenta coloured hair, partially covering the left side of her face although not completely hiding it, that fell down to her chest. Her sea green eyes, contrasting with deep colour of her hair, seemed to stare right through me but also had a kind nature to them.

"Wh-who are yo-you?" I asked again, pushing the icy fear that cling to my heart down.

Her smile turned into a cheeky grin revealing perfect white teeth before she bent over and pointed behind me.

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