Chapter 21- Hailey

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I grin as his hands grip my hips tighter.
He just looks at me with such curiosity... admiration.
I wonder what's going through his head right now.

"Hmm so you've just known this whole time yeah? Did you enjoy yourself doll? Toying with me?" He asks with a smirk.
I can tell he's not mad. More intrigued.
well, you underestimated me baby.

"I had my fun at some points..." I grin, leaning closer
"Don't act like you didn't enjoy every second of it" I say softly.
His grip tightens.
He smiles.

His hands leave my hips, coming up to cup my face.
"So damn perfect for me." He mumbles, bringing me closer to him.
His lips just brush against mine and shivers run over my body.
I love how me makes me feel.
So fucking good. Like his.

He finally kisses me, his hand threading into my scalp to keep me in place as he kisses the fuck out of me.
If I was standing, I think my knees would have caved in.

I gasp softly as his tongue slips into my mouth, fogging my mind.
I can't even think about anything else that happened.
Just him.

I pull back when he finally releases me, breathless.
I can feel how hot my cheeks are and I see him smirk widely at the sight.

"So fucking sweet" he mumbles.

I can fucking  feel how hard he is beneath me, and it's driving me mad.
I move my hips slowly against him, my eyes closing at the friction.
His hands quickly grab my hips, holding me still.
There's this dark look in his eyes as he stares at me.
I fucking love it.

"Dangerous fucking move doll" he grits out.
I just grin.
"What's wrong with that hm?" I tease
"Because..." he begins
"Right now you need to relax... process everything. I don't want you to do anything you'll regret." He says, looking me in my eyes.

Then he leans forward, his lips brushing just over the shell of my ear.
"And, there's about five men downstairs right now cleaning up that I'd have to kill for hearing your pretty fucking moans"
"You wouldn't want that right love?" He taunts.
I've never been so turned on in my life.
I shake my head no.

"That's right. Be a good girl for me and stay still then." He smiles

I just nod.

"Ryder?" I ask softly
He hums for me to continue, his thumbs rubbing over my hips softly.
"Why did you start watching me?" I ask slowly.
This is all I've wanted to know for months.

"It's simple."
"I knew you were made for me. Made to be mine. I just felt it." He tells me, nothing but truth in his eyes.
I smile so fucking wide.
Made for him.
And he's made for me.

He brushes the curls out of my face, cupping my cheek.
"I'd fucking do anything for you doll. Kill for you. You know that?" He asks me
My heart pounds in my chest.
"Yes" I get out softly

"Do I scare you baby?" He asks, a soft smirk on his lips.
I wait for a moment. Thinking.

"You make my nervous. But I know you'd never really hurt me. So no. You don't scare me" I tell him.
His other hand comes to my face as well, bringing me closer so I can see how serious he is.

"Good. Because I want you to know you're the most important fucking thing in the world to me. Fucking perfect to me."
My heart flutters.
Why does he have to say things like that?
Makes me want to marry this man.

"Do you understand me?" He asks gently
"Yes" I nod softly
"I want to hear you say it. Tell me you're perfect"
God. This man.
"I'm perfect..." I tell him softly

He smiles
"That's right. Such a good fucking girl"
I have to fight the urge to squirm at his fucking words, my body feeling all too hot at the moment.
Why is he so damn good at this.

He just presses another kiss to my lips, running his hands over my thighs.
His phone light up with a message, and he glances at it before looking back up at me.
"They're all done doll. You want to do downstairs? Eat something?"
I smile, nodding softly.

"They should've fixed your door with a better deadbolt for you, and cleaned up everything. There might be a few things damaged though, alright?" He explains smoothly.
"I'll help you replace anything you want." He says, helping me off his lap.

"Okay" I smile, taking his hand as he leads me downstairs.
I look around, most things looking in place.
There's a few small things missing but nothing important.
It's better than I thought honestly.
"They did I good job. I can hardly tell" I say to Ryder.

"Good. I'm glad you're happy with it." He grins, leading me over to the kitchen.
"Starving." I sigh
"Well I can't have my girl going hungry now can I?" He grins, picking me up and setting me on the kitchen counter easily.

I laugh softly as her kisses my face all over, turning around to open my fridge.
"What do you want doll? I'll make you something"
"Pasta?" I ask him
"Anything you want doll."

I watch him as he puts some pasta in a pot to boil, starting to make a sauce for in.
The muscles of his back strain against his shirt as he works, and I bite my lip, distracted.
God he looks too good.
"You staring at me doll?" he says, not even turning around to look at me.
He just knew.

"Yeah" I grin
He turns around with a smirk.
"Thought that was my job love" he winks at me, making me laugh.

I hop off the counter, walking over to him.
"What? I can't stare at you?" I ask, teasing.
"You can stare at me all you want doll. I'm all yours."
I'm speechless as he grabs my waist, pulling me in for a kiss.
All mine

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