Chapter 11- Hailey

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I smiled as he walked in, coming straight to the bar.
Feeling bold today huh?

I make my way over to him, asking him if he'd like his usual order
"That sounds perfect doll" he replies.
Fuck, I love when he calls me that.

I turn away before he can see my reaction, making his drink.
Once I hand it to him, I have to go back to the other customers, distracting myself by working.

I can feel his eyes on me the whole time though.
They never leave me.
I catch a few glances at him as I work, just casually sipping on his drink, watching my every move.

As the bar slows down a little more, I decide to push him a little more.
I was feeling bored.

"You're here nearly every night for hours, and you only order one drink... how come?" I ask him.
I know exactly why you're here.
He doesn't even bat an eye at the question, answering me confidently as he tells me
"I don't know, maybe it's the ambiance"
The smirk he puts on gives me goosebumps.

Yeah right it's the fucking ambiance of this shitty bar that keeps you coming back.
I fight to keep from laughing in his face.

When I question his answer, he leans forward, his arms set against the counter between us.
Those fucking arms could crush someone.
Or throw me over his fucking shoulder before he fucks the shit out of me...

His voice stops my train of thought
"I'm Ryder" he tells me, extending his hand.
Ryder... it suits him.
I take his hand, shaking it slowly. We just look at each other for a few moments before he looks as me with a smirk.
"And your name is?"

I have to hold my breath for a moment so that I don't laugh.
You know my name.
"Nice to meet you Hailey"

I grin.
"You too Ryder" I smirk as I emphasize his name, watching his eyes glaze over, fucking speechless.
It's too easy.

I walk off with a smirk, making some last few drinks for the night before cleaning up.
I see Ryder get up to leave, and I speak up before he can go.
"Ryder? Could you walk me to my car? Please?" I ask in my sweetest voice.

I can see the proud smile come over his face as he tells me he'll wait for me.
I laugh softly as I grab my things.
Stroking his fucking ego. Men are so simple.

I come back out to meet him and he holds the door for me.
Adorable how he acts like such a gentleman.
I know you Ryder.
As we walk out to my car, the night air causes me to shiver, and like the adorable idiot he is,
He puts his jacket on me.

Once I'm at my car, I offer it back to him, but am glad when he tells me to keep it.
Didn't want to give it back.
I smile as I drive off, knowing he'll come to see me again tonight.

I head up to my room when I get home, wanting to get comfortable.
I slip on a lace thong, the kind that he likes, and throw an oversized t shirt over me.

Then I head back downstairs to the kitchen, craving some cookies.
I get out all of the ingredients, humming softly as I add them together into a large bowl.

I mix everything together, forming the dough into balls as the oven heats up.
Once everything is ready, I place them in the oven to bake.

I can't help but lick the spoon I used to mix the dough.
The extra raw cookie dough is the best part.
That, and I can feel his eyes on me.

I clean up the kitchen while the cookies bake, the sweet smell filling the house.
Once they're finished baking, I take them out of the oven, moving over to the couch.

Sitting back, I finish an episode of my favorite show as I munch on a few cookies.
It was a late night so I don't last long before getting tired.

I leave the rest of the cookies out, wondering if he would like them.
Look at me, such a good hostess. I smile

I make my way up to my bedroom, curling up underneath a plush blanket.
Once I turn my lights out, all I have to do is wait.

Not even a few minutes later, I hear the faint sound of my back door being closed.
A smile forms on my face.

I close my eyes and slow my breathing, pretending to be asleep.
Waiting patiently, I hear him walk into my room softly.
He stops in front of me and I can hear him curse.
His fingers gently drag along my exposed thigh, sending shivers down my body.

My shirt has ridden up and he can tell I'm not wearing any shorts.

Now I just wanted him closer.
But he was hesitant after last night, I could tell.
I needed to think of how I could get him to touch me.

I started to shift slightly in my fake sleep, making him back away.
I furrowed my eyebrows together as I let out a soft whimper, as if I was having a bad dream.
Come comfort me

Soon enough his thumb was rubbing along my cheek in a soothing manner, his other hand on my waist softly as he mumbles
"Shh pretty girl, you're safe"
I let my actions settle, as if I'm relaxing back into sleep as I lean into his touch.
Too easy.

He presses a few kisses against my shoulder and my cheek, causing me to smile softly.
"So perfect" he whispers

I curl up closer into his touch, humming in contentment. This is what I need. Him. Here. Keeping me safe.
I feel him lie back next to me, letting me sink into him further.

I rest my head against his arm as his fingers trace up and down my back softly.
The feeling puts me into the best sleep of my life.

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