nagi seishiro.

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nagi seishiro

love at first sight? most people believe in those. what even is love at first sight? is it even love?

either way, you also believe in love at first sight.


ever since your eyes laid on a white-haired soccer player― your heart couldn't help but beat in an unusual way.

eversince then, your eyes always find a way to land on the player. everywhere you take yourself, your (e/c)-eyes always fixes itself on the male.

but, it came to the point where it hurt you.

you didn't like the butterflies in your stomach. you didn't like how much your cheeks turned bright. you didn't like how your eyes always find him unintentionally.

you were sick of it.

"i can't handle this pressure anymore. akia, help me!" you whined at your friend who had to bear with your constant whining.

akia let out a faint sigh at your ongoing complaints.

"just look at someone new. someone who is definitely your type." she advised which piqued your interest.

you hummed, "find someone new you say..." you searched around the area until your eyes landed on someone who is definitely your type.

your eyes grew in excitement. "i found them!" you burst out as your friend raised a brow.

"found who?"

"my type!"

"isn't it too early...?" akia mumbled― her face says it all, 'is this how fast seventeen-years-old finds a crush now?'

you clap your hands, smiling brightly at your friend. "this is it, i'm moving on from seishiro nagi!"

akia sighed and shook her head, "if you say so."


eventually, days passed eversince you started 'moving on' from your ex-crush. and lucky for you, you haven't seen the white-haired egoist. however, you haven't seen your 'new crush' too.

is the universe really playing with you?

well, at least not seeing the white-haired male helped you move on.

"y/n! intrams are coming up, are you joining any spots?" akia questioned you.

"sports, hm..." you paused, "nope i'm not interested." you declined.

"well, if that's your decision that means we'll be the ones who have to support nagi's team, right?"


how did that happen? you were in the same grade level as nagi and it happens that you and your batch mates have to support the soccer players in your grade.

talk about fate.

the day of the intramural arrived and you wanted to stay in your house to avoid the certain male. but akia somehow convinced you since she doesn't want to go alone.

or we could say she bribed you with your favorite food.

now that leads us to you― who's whining at akia again.

you groaned, "why do i have to be here? i don't want to be here, it's so hot."

you don't want to be there because of the heat? more like you don't want to be there because of a certain someone.

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